Saturday, September 24, 2016

Bubbles And Balls

This may be how a concrete slab fell outside of a 12 storey unoccupied warehouse.  When \(\psi\) of a particle growing big at resonance on the floor increases suddenly, the increasing \(\psi\) sends the floor confined within the particle back into the past.  A spatial shift that accompanies the temporal shift moves the concrete slab out of the building and it fell.

At the instant when the concrete slab fell, there is no hole on the floor as the slab comes from the future.  The whole appears when the experiment is being conducted.

When \(\psi\) of the particle grown big (slowly increasing \(\psi\)) is allowed to collapse suddenly, rapidly decreasing \(\psi\) sends the slab into the future instead.  A hole appears immediately but the slab will fall some time in the future, at a location determined by the movements of Earth and the time shift.

The bubble is to be use in specific ways and not to be use in specific ways...And the ball is to be used in specific ways and not to be used in specific ways...