Saturday, September 24, 2016

Don't Walk Into The Bubble, AK!

When a shield around a confinement sudden collapses the decreasing \(\psi\) sends its content into the future.

Earth is revolving around the Sun.  The temporal differential results in a spatial shift.  If the shield envelops a whole city then, the city is shifted in space as the result of a shift in time because earth is in motion.

The collisions between the area outside the shield and the area shifted in time and space within the shield will be a catastrophe.

In a similar way, if \(\psi\) is allowed to build up engulfing a body, the body will be sent back in time.  When the spatial shift is significant, there will be destruction inside the shield outside the area of overlap.

Strengthen the \(\psi\) shell after its build up and let the shield weaken without collapsing the \(\psi\) shell.  This way, the temporal force that results from changing \(\psi\) with time is minimal.

Don't walk into the bubble, AK!