Thursday, February 27, 2025

Smallpox Updated

 This is a set of frequencies for smallpox updated,

Smallpox 80 350 5500 (sq 3517 6250 9350 2250 4960-1 6824-5 7530-7) Hz

smallpox can also cause blur vision.

Amphibian Diseases, Thinking Loudly, Psychic Frogs And Blur Vision

 Amphibian diseases demotivate and depress general mental well being,

Amphibian Diseases 70 5810 (sq 1083 5750 1250-5 3762-9 4193-4 5600 6429-1 9301-2) Hz

After listening to this, the internal voice is less strained and is louder and sleep is less disturbed.

A relief to digestive distress, it seems.

In the eye sockets, these diseases cause blur vision.  With breaking disulfide bonds frequency in the mix,

Amphibian Diseases SS 70 5810 (sq 1083 5750 1250-5 1779-79 3762-9 4193-4 5600 6429-1 9301-2) Hz

Maybe frogs are psychic and amphibian diseases hinder them.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Vacuum Chamber, \(\beta^{+2}\) Particles And Dry Ice II

 There is no need to conduct experiment,

unscrew the cover of the beta particle source and inspect the inside of the cover.  The white specks just over the hole that exposes the beta source, are dry ice.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Leaky Solar Cell And Thermal Flask Battery 80C

 These devices were deleted,

lightning contained in a self-heating thermal flask maintained at \(80^oC\).  And

a container fill with chlorophyll from meshed up green leafy vegetables.  A metallic conductor draw charges from the slurry.

Both devices are single ended current source (\(p^+\) or \(e^{-}\)).  A switching capacitor may draw charges from the current source and provides a stable output voltage across given a load.

Good night.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Vacuum Chamber, \(\beta^{+2}\) Particles And Dry Ice

 Helium nucleus at \(v_{boom}=0.3066\,ms^{-1}\),


more elaborately,


amongst the mess,

\(C+2O\to CO_2\)

carbon and oxygen combines to give dry ice.

A radioactive source of beta particles can readily achieve speed above the \(v_{boom}\) speed of \(0.3066\,ms^{-1}\) on exit.  The point is to observe helium nucleus at \(v_{boom}\) after being slowed by gravity.

Does the beta particles disintegrate, fuse and then two of the fusion products form into dry ice?  All fusion products, Beryllium, Carbon, Oxygen...should also be found.

This experiment would also indicate that fusion can be very very cold.

Fusarium Combined And Blur Vision

 This is a combined Fusarium eye infection Rife frequencies audio file,

Fusarium oxysporum general 102 332 600 650 705 746 768 780 795 Hz

and with breaking disulfide bond frequencies mixed in,

Fusarium oxysporum general 102 332 600 650 705 746 768 780 795 sq 1779.79Hz 

Breaking disulfide bond frequencies also causes wrinkles but they are temporary, stop listening and the wrinkles fades away.  Breaking disulfide bonds prevent infections or re-infections.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

\(T_{boom}\) And Resistance Drop

 Because at \(T_{boom}\), a lot of particles are created,

a test voltage across a sample of the material to be annealed will experience a jump in current or a drop in resistance when the temperature reach the specified \(T_{boom}\) temperature .  This is how annealing temperature can be adjusted for in practice.  

Aspergillosis And Blur Vision

 This is an updated version of the set of frequencies for Aspergillosis,

Aspergillosis 120 830 5000 7250 (sq 3750 3573 4342-5 5631-9 7098-3 9780-5) Hz

Aspergillosis in the eyes causes blur vision.

Good luck.

Fusobacterium, Fusarium Oxysporum And Blur Vision

 This is an updated frequencies for Fusobacterium infections,

Fusobacterium infections 190 750 9000 (sq 1109 2250 4750 1157 3779-1 4701-2) Hz


Fusarium oxysporum (cornea inflammation) 102 332 705 780 795 Hz

both cause blur vision.

Good luck.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Another Un-constructable Set

 Another example of a self referencing set impossible to construct for at least one candidate member under consideration is,

"A set of all sets that is not in this set."

Bounce out immediately upon inclusion, if this is physical it might just be fun.

An empty set is not that impossible.  But can it contain a NULL set, because 'NULL' is not in the set after inclusion.  No, a NULL set is a set.  NULL is a denotation for being empty.

"A set of all sets that is not in this set." is the empty set only if all contradictions/paradoxs are IGORNED.  The contradictions cannot be simply excluded; for this reason this is an un-constructable set.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Problem Of The Criterion, You And Nature

 The philosopher has forgotten that he is part of nature and is born of nature.  He tries to answer questions by his lonesome self, all in his mind.

To built a dam to block water.  It is knowledge if water is actually damned up.  To plant seeds.  It is knowledge if the field grows to a tall golden harvest.

The Criterion is simple: if it works it's knowledge; if it does not work it's still knowledge.  All these in the context of nature into which the philosopher is born and makes his observations and interactions.

Nothing circular here nor is vicious regress necessary.  It is knowledge because you observe it in nature and interact it with nature.

Good Grief.

Russell's Paradox And Un-constructable Set

 Un-constructable sets are not sets that you cannot imagine.  You can imagine a set and propose the condition(s) for inclusion into the set but find that a contradiction or paradox (as in Russell's Paradox) occurs with at least one possible member in consideration then that set cannot be constructed. 

You just note that such an un-constructable set has occurred and move on.

Un-constructable sets are just not 'true' mathematical statements that can be admitted to mathematics, in set theory.

As with Gödel's incompleteness theorem such un-constructable sets are imagined with self referencing statements/clauses/predicates,

"A set of all sets that does not contain itself."

Does such a set contain itself?

A little more involved than the statement "This statement is false." but the same old self referencing trick.

If the set is not in itself then it should be because the predicate states so, but if included then it is a set that contains itself and so should not be included.

There is no paradox here, if you accept that there can be non-sets(un-constructable set).  'Set' and 'non-set' just the yin and yang of all things.  No, null set is a set.  Non-set is not a set.

What do you do with non-sets?  Non-sets will be dealt with in non-set theory, not set theory.  As for the statement "This statement is false.", it is not a statement that can be true or false, but a non-statement that cannot be admitted into the mathematical world of statements.  If Gödel's incompleteness theorem is stated as a paradox, it is not a paradox.

Don't get too dramatic about Russell's Paradox either, it is not a true paradox.

Obviously, there can be non-numbers.  Together, numbers and non-numbers makes the world whole again.

Expanded Scope And Black Ravens

 All ravens are black.

All non black THINGs are not ravens.

The term 'black' has a scope.  The phrase 'non black THINGs' changes that scope to include all things; including a white shoe and leads to the conclusion that a white shoe supports the hypothesis "All ravens are black".

To beg the point,

All ravens are black ravens.

All non black/non ravens are not ravens.

The phrase 'non black non ravens' comes from complementing/negating 'black ravens' as a whole,

non(black ravens) = non black or non ravens

The term 'black' is limited/scoped to/around ravens.  If your study is on raven then non-ravens should not concern you. 

non(black ravens) = non black or non ravens \(\longrightarrow\) non black and raven \(\longrightarrow\) non black ravens

Happy paradox.

PS:  Any logical operation(s) on any statement(s) should not provide more information.

Eye Flu And Blur Vision

 This is a combined frequency audio file for respiratory syncytial virus infections, rotavirus infections and frequencies for breaking labile disulfide bonds,

Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections Rotavirus Infection And Breaking SS Bonds

A salt water mouth rinse, mouth wash or eye drop may remove the stickiness that result from listening to this audio file.

Good luck.

Rickettsia Infections And Blur Vision

 Rickettsia infections is very common if you have cotton pillows not treated for mites.

Rickettsia Infections 130 180 830 5250 (1275 2125 3352-8 5600 6959-5 9975) Hz

They are a diverse collection of obligately intracellular Gram-negative bacteria found in ticks, lice, fleas, mites and chiggers that infect humans and cause multiple organ damage, including brain, kidneys and lungs.  In the eyes, blur vision.

Good luck.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Mirrored Individual, Amplified Photon And Time Energy

 Remember the placid field in the post "The Placid Field" dated 29 Jul 2016 and the post "Just A Strobe Light" dated 27 Nov 2017, where time particles have a resonance frequency,


It is possible to get close to this frequencies with a non-aliased square wave at \(f_T=3230.6993\,Hz\).

The second mirror is to avoid a reflected being.

Good luck.

Rainfall, Hot Air and Portals

 If it is possible to raise a portal to where rain clouds form (610~1220 m and up to 9144 m)

because condensing and freezing requires temperature particles and energy.  Hot air introduced at the right altitude may just be enough to trigger rainfall.

Good luck.

Mental Retardation And Slow

 If you are not retarded will,

Mental Retardation 140 230 410 2370 4050 (sq 1750 1950 3763 4076 5130-6) Hz

frequencies for mental retardation make you smart?  If you are fast will,

Plegia (paralysis, for speed reaction) 220 970 7500 (sq 2250 8537 1554-7 2850 4165 6054-1) Hz

frequencies for paralysis make you faster?

Acha... and Bruce Lee kick to you too. 

Orthopneumovirus, Reptile Diseases And Blur Vision.

 Respiratory syncytial virus, also called human respiratory syncytial virus and human orthopneumovirus, is a virus that causes infections of the respiratory tract.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections 550 570 870 7500 (sq 5019 1400 3900 6243-7 8193-4) Hz


Reptile Diseases 160 570 650 870 2500 (sq 1575 2325 4925 8260-7 9259-5) Hz

for those with tortoise, snakes, lizards, crocodiles etc. as pets.

Sunday, February 9, 2025