Monday, April 11, 2022

Rubella And Myopia

 Rubella in the eye sockets causes blurred vision,

German Measles Rubella 936-42 Hz 

German Measles Rubella 875 Hz 

German Measles Rubella 690 Hz 

German Measles Rubella 555-95 Hz 

German Measles Rubella 427-5 Hz 

German Measles Rubella 132-25 Hz 

to be played together with frequencies to break labile disulfide bonds

Breaking S-S bonds 177-979_1779-79 Hz

in the associated toxins that might cause reinfection.   

Two of Rubella frequencies combined together with frequencies for breaking disulfide bonds,

German Measles Rubella 555-95_936-42_177-979_1779-79 Hz

If you can only play a single file at a time, maybe you should play this one.

Good luck.