Tuesday, June 29, 2021

To The Future Shining

 There is something fundamentally different in draining energy into three dimension and into one dimension,

it is the rate at which energy transit between time and space dimensions that is important.  Maybe it is always 1D in time and 3D in space, as such a cube of \(T=a\) in time corresponding with a 3D sphere \(r=2c\) in space is the only valid case that drains time energy.  In practice, a spread of frequencies around the target experimental frequency value, always includes the one true valid frequency value that has the desired effect of time energy confuses the experiment.  The relative energy is however, highest when the valid frequency value is at the center of the Gaussian spread and so is its effect strongest.

Which one should be considered, a dispersion of energy in all 3 dimensions,


or only in one dimension as the panels of LEDs shines in one direction,

\(\cfrac{8^3}{6}\pi^2*f^2*m_ac^2=1*\cfrac{1}{Vol_{solid}}*m_ac^2\) ---(*)

in one case the LEDs panel disappears in time, and in the other, the panel remains in-situ.  In one case, the LED bulb disappears with the object shined on and should be attached to the object.  In the other, the bulb remains and the object shined on is driven into the past.  Which is which?

What about negative time energy to travel to the future?  When time energy is drain from space (cube, \(a=2c\)) to time (sphere, \(r=T\))?

From the post "Freaking Out Entanglement" dated 14 Dec 2014,

\(P=3*\cfrac{2}{3}*\cfrac{8\pi f^2}{c^3}*\cfrac{4}{3}\pi{(2c)^3}*\cfrac{1}{2}m_av^2_{rms}\)    this corresponds to expression (*) above

is replaced by,

\(P=3*\cfrac{2}{3}*\cfrac{8\pi f^2}{c^3}*{(2c)^3}*\cfrac{1}{2}m_av^2_{rms}\)

where sphere being replaced by a cube \(a=2c\) and furthermore, with \(v^2_{rms}=c\), 


where a factor \(\cfrac{4}{3}\pi\) is removed from the LHS.  With the fact that \(Vol_{solid}\) is a sphere in time.


with \(f=\cfrac{1}{T}\) substituted in.


Does this frequency bring you into the future?  This value is just \(3*280.735=842.306\)!

Where did \(280.735\,\,Hz\) brings you?

\(280.735\,\,Hz\) is from the post "What If The Particles Are Photons?" date 12 Dec 2017.