Saturday, June 26, 2021

Dodecahedron In Time

When we consider, a regular dodecahedron in the time dimension and a sphere in the space dimension. 

From the post "Freaking Out Entanglement" dated 14 Dec 2017 (corrected as),


instead of a sphere in time we use the octahedron,


The centroid to vertex distance, \(r\) of an dodecahedron of edge \(a\) is,

\( r=a{\frac {\sqrt {3}}{4}}\left(1+{\sqrt {5}}\right)=T\)

if this is equal to \(T\) (a unit of time) then its volume is given by,

with \(a=\frac{4}{\sqrt {3}\left(1+{\sqrt {5}}\right)}T\)

\(Vol_{dodeca}=\frac {1}{4}(15+7{\sqrt {5}})a^{3}={\frac {1}{4}}(15+7{\sqrt {5}})\left(\frac{4}{\sqrt {3}\left(1+{\sqrt {5}}\right)}T\right)^{3}\)

and so,

\(\cfrac{8^3}{6}\pi^2*f^2*m_ac^2=1*\frac{1}{16} \frac{\left({\sqrt {3}\left(1+{\sqrt {5}}\right)f}\right)^{3}}{(15+7{\sqrt {5}})}*m_ac^2\)


where \(T=\cfrac{1}{f}\),

\(f=\cfrac{8^3}{24}(15+7{\sqrt {5}})\left(\frac{4}{\sqrt {3}\left(1+{\sqrt {5}}\right)}\right)^{3}\pi^2=237.667\pi^2=2345.682\,\,Hz\)

What is this frequency?  dodecahedron 2345-682 Hz

Telekinesis?  Poor spoons...