Saturday, May 20, 2017

Hot Earth Not Hot Sun

Earth is heating up due to an upturn in magnetic field; heat is released to suppress the increasing magnetic field (Lentz's Law).  The Sun remains as hot.

Moisture normally holds the soil particles together.  When moisture is removed by the heat from the top soil, the fine soil particles break loose and are stirred by the winds into sand storms.  This is happening now.

To continue growing crops, move the soil into well drained plastic trays/containers, insulated/elevated from the ground, and plant in the trays/containers.  Even tresses can be grown this way in big insulated soil containers.

Cover and insulate all fresh water resource, if not, drain all water into covered storage insulated from the ground.  Store water underground, insulated, contained and prevented from evaporating.

Stop every other constructions.  Save water!