Saturday, October 31, 2015

Anti-Blackholes And A Party Of Six, Cosmic

If a blackhole is a mass of negative gravity particles so dense that the potential field around it holds back particles at light speed, then equivalently there can be two new types of blackhole one due to a collection of negative charge particles, and another due to negative temperature particles.  Remember that from post "Particle Clouds" dated 13 Jul 2015, a particle can reside in the \(\psi\) of another particle of the same type;  as the graphs of \(F_v\), force density around any particle, show, particles of the same type are attracted to each other in close proximity (eg. post "Less Mass But No Theoretical Mass" dated 23 Nov 2014).

In an analogous way, a group of  positive particles so dense, can set up a potential field around them that even particles with light speed cannot approach.   As kinetic energy is traded for potential energy, the approaching particles are reduced to zero speed before reaching the group of positive particles; forming a ring of lights around the group of particles.  A sort of anti-blackholes due to positive gravity particles, positive charge particles and positive temperature particles.  However, since positive particles does not attract each other at close proximity without at least one of them being heavier in mass (possibly made artificially more massive), anti-blackhole may not be as common.

In total, six particle phenomenons, three types of blackhole and three types of anit-blackhole, all with mega effects visible at the cosmic level.

Cosmic Insanity!