Monday, October 12, 2015

No Inner Electron Shells.

The manifestation of physical phases (solid, liquid, gas) of a material involved all interactions of the six basic particles (electron, protons, positive temperature, negative temperature,positive gravity and negative gravity .

The direct interactions of the particles are strong forces.  The interaction of a particle and another in spin is a weaker force.  The particle in spin or rotational motion manifest the orthogonal oscillating dimension.  This force is along the axis of rotation and is highly directional.  This force is reversed when the sense of the rotation reverses.

The interactions of spinning/rotating particles are the weakest force.  This force reverses as the particles changes directions, is transient and may only be observable averaged over time and aggregated over many particles.

Water presents itself as magnetic because of the relative prominence of temperature particles.  The molecular structure of water points that oxygen \(O\), is the key factor.  This also suggests that, maybe, elements down a column in the periodic table with the same outer electron configuration have increasing numbers of temperature particles; that inner shell electrons do not exist!

As suggested previously in the post "Magnetism And Temperature Particles" dated 11 Jul 2015, to the relationship of magnetism and temperature particles, we add:  an abundance of positive temperature particles made the element diamagnetic and an abundance of negative temperature particles made the element ferromagnetic.  In between is paramagnetism due to the aligned rotations of the charged particles in the material.  (When ferromagnetism and paramagnetism add negatively, we have anti-ferromagnetism)

Have a nice day.