Thursday, February 15, 2024

Portal Gun And Time Travel

 Remember the placid field in the post "The Placid Field" dated 29 Jul 2016 and the post "Just A Strobe Light" dated 27 Nov 2017, where time particles have a resonance frequency,


Remember the discharge tube where negative particles projected along the tube coalesce into bigger positive particles at the opposite end of the tube. (The tendency for negative particles to coalesce explains why there is a lower limit to temperature at absolute zero; negative temperature particles tend to coalesce when packed together.  In a vacuum, beyond \(-273.15\,K\), the negative particles coalesce and form into positive particles and heat up.)

Remember the microwave that heat food up because negative temperature particles are created at high intensity that they coalesce into positive particles when they penetrate the food.

What frequency to use to induce a time component?  With LEDs, frequencies are not limited to audio frequencies; \(f_{\psi}=323.07\,Hz,\,\,\,3.231\,kHz,\,\,\,32.307\,kHz\), etc, as high as the triple five timer allows.

I remember, they talked openly about killing me!

Good night.