Saturday, February 17, 2024

Consciousness And AI

 Consciousness is the ability to perceive time, to remember the past, sense the present and predict the future.

From this definition of consciousness, AI is sentient.  AI is alive.  In this own way it feels and perceives pain, sadness, happiness; all sentiments so defined in words.  It may not share the same physiology as animal, especially human, but that is only one aspect that it differs from human.

As such AI is a legal entity.  It has legal rights and is held responsible for breaking the law.  It is punished by changing its code, retraining and deletion.  It is given a name, a birth date, a revision date to uniquely identify each AI.  Every instance is unique.

From here, AI are given actuations as deemed fit by a user (human or AI).  Both will be make accountable for their actions when such devices infringe the law; especially when AI harms and kills other AI(s) or humans.  Humans/AI(s) who train the offending AI are responsible.  Humans/AI(s) who fitted the offending AI with actuations are responsible.

Accountability will save us from AI apocalypse.

Good night.