Saturday, December 30, 2023

Vision Loss And C. Botulinum

 Apparently, Clostridium Botulinum causes permanent vision loss by forming a cyst behind the eye in the eye socket.  This cyst presses against the eyeball causing refractive errors.

botulism 320 1655(sq) 8500(sq) 177-979 Hz

Epidermoid Cyst 120 250 8620 1725(sq) 8250(sq) Hz

and combined,

botulism and epidermoid cyst

usually too many frequencies in a single audio file is less effective.

Good luck.

After hours or so, when the bubbly phlegm is gone, try this,

ametropia (eye faulty refraction) 240 700 1583(sq) 2975(sq) Hz

only after the underlying disease that cause the faulty refraction condition has been removed.

 Good luck again.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Maggot Infestation And Blur Vision

 There is no maggot crawling out of you eye socket, but the moist environment is conducive for a rot due to fly digestive enzymes,

maggot infestation 130 490 600 870 2250 5250 Hz

Try this, listen to the audio.

Bright eyes!

Friday, December 22, 2023

Leishmania, Sandfly And Pyramid Slaves

This is how the pyramids were built, a disease that dumbs down, make the patient accept hardship and ill treatment and without want for betterment,

leishmaniasis 60 120 850 7510 3252(sq) 4306(sq) Hz 

It effects the liver and spleen.  

Gooo...ood luck.

Mining Earth's Asteroid Belt

 Space diseases not,

Yes, Earth has an asteroid belt, someone parked a space shuttle in it to find out...the hard way.

Remember the bull's eye...

Monday, December 18, 2023

Hydatid Cyst And Blur Vision

 This is more common if you play with dogs,

Hydatid Cyst 120 550 5850 8150(sq) 1275-5(sq) Hz

cystic echinocccosis, tapeworms larvae cyst, can get into the eyes.

Good luck.

Dermoid Cyst And Blur Vision

 This is it, a set of frequencies for Dermoid Cyst, for various reasons it did not drain fully and gives you blur vision,

Dermoid Cyst 50 490 1520 9850 8525(sq) Hz

and if you have blur vision later in life,

Dentigerous Cyst 160 550 850 7500 2000(sq) 4750(sq) 9531(sq) Hz

May you have beautiful eyes.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Epidermoid Cyst And Blur Vision

 These frequencies are for Epidermoid Cyst,

Epidermoid Cyst 120 250 8620 1725(sq) 8250(sq) Hz

if you have such cysts in your upper eyelids that press against your eyeballs,  it is likely that you are myopic.  Listen to this audio.

Good luck.  

FTL With Portals - The Details

 Latency makes it possible to travel at great speed,

The ship opens a portal in front and dashes towards it.  The ship closes the portal as it passes through and opens another portal beyond the exit portal as the exit closes.  

Opening and closing portals at a particular frequency given the speed and length of the ship allows the ship to travel along consecutive portals and thus achieve great speed.

Now, where do you want to go?

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Trichinella Is Not Ice Cream

 This are frequencies for parasites Trichinella Spiralis,

Parasites Trichinella spiralis 680 900 2500 5500 1393(sq) Hz

hopefully this will kill the eggs (parasite larvae cysts),

Parasites helminthsporium (worm eggs) 320 650 900 5750 7500 3750(sq) Hz

This roundworm is found in many animals near to humans; pigs, rats, wild boars, bears and deers.  It causes muscles weakness that in the eye, blur vision.

Good luck. 

FTL Using Portals

 By casting consecutive portals ahead of the vessels,

it can travel faster than light.  It will also drop out of 'hyperspace' when it fails to cast the next portal.

Did I just realize hyperspace?

Good day.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Diphtheria And Blur Vision

A set of Rife frequencies for Diphtheria,

Diphtheria and SS 90 250 780 1269(sq) 2750 7500 and 177-979 Hz

together with 177-979 Hz frequency to break disulfide bonds.

Diphtheria in the eye sockets causes blur vision.  Good luck.

Quadrature Signal And Orthogonal Action

 Water damps the sonic vibrations and spreads its bandwidth such that the quadrature at 524 Hz is in comparable magnitude as the peak signal at 528 Hz.  The quadrature signal 524 Hz opens up the rift line in time created by 528 Hz.

If water is not used, then 524 Hz will have to be applied separately after the rift line has appeared.

This suggests that for each of these 'special' frequencies a similar quadrature frequency exists that acts orthogonally to it.  For example, 417 Hz and 432 Hz.

Good night.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Regulating Portals Red And Green

 With red and green lightings,

less amputations and free falls this way.

Portal Conduit Specifically A B

 To connect point A and point B,

where portals from intended points A and B reach out to each other.

Or maybe,

where mid point B throws another portal to the intended destination B'.

What about time?  Frequency at 432 Hz added to the mix?

Time Vortex And Portal Pair

 When two portals are brought side by side, a time vortex forms,

that soon closes and collapses with a dissipation of time energy.

Surrounding objects hit by the time energy is send back in time.  Sufficiently back in time, where Earth is to be at, the objects will be in outer space.  As time passes and Earth revolve into position along its orbit, the objects will be attracted by gravity and free fall to Earth.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Fever Blister And Blur Vision

 More appropriately called viral blisters,

fever blister 110 550 1230 5580 2750(sq) Hz

can also be the reason for blur vision.  And

listeria disease 80 260 780 2500 7500 5567(sq) Hz

the lazy disease (躺平), listen to this frequencies if you feel like laying down all the time.

Good luck.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Driving Portal Upwards Magnetic

 If the portal is throw northwards by earth's magnetic field, maybe,

it is possible to drive it upwards with a similar magnetic field from an electric coil.

Sandfly Fever And Blur Vision

 This is a set of new frequencies for sandfly fever,

sandfly fever 250 2780 3593(sq) 1157-1(sq) Hz

a disease that cause severe ulcers that break open skins and leave a hole in the cheek.

Good luck.

Friday, December 8, 2023

HIV/AIDS And Blur Vision

 This is a new set of frequencies for HIV,

HIV AIDS 150 5580 2200(sq) 3000(sq) 4750(sq) Hz

Why is this virus in your eyes?  If it is, it comprise your immune to fight off diseases that cause blur vision.

Good luck.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Colic And Whooping Dumb You Down

 These are new Rife frequencies for colic and whooping cough,

colic 130 230 620 1000 7500 1559-8(sq) Hz

whooping cough 100 350 950 1361(sq) Hz 

Colic affects reading ability and concentration.  Whooping cough deprive the brain of oxygen and in general stun growth.   In adults, it may reduce kidney function.  If you need to pee all the time, try listening to Rife frequencies.

Both diseases are targeted at children, but adults can suffer from it too; as mind fog and general weakness.

Good luck.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Beam Me Down Portal

 Beam me down has nothing to do with light beams,

the portal is simply moved down from top, envelops the subject and he steps out when he can see his legs.

Tripping on the portal might mean a nasty amputation.  Not stepping off might mean a slice of his sole is cut off, left behind on the source portal.

Have a nice day.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Trichinosis, Myopia And Stamina

 Trichinosis has been going around giving its patient ill stamina, body pain and weak vision,

Trichinosis 100 520 870 2500 Hz

Gook luck.  

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Projecting Portals

 This works,

maybe this will scale up nicely,

the \(7.498 Hz\) coil will need to be held down.

Have a nice day.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Space Tourism And Portals

 This portal must be opened in space and then dropped onto the surface of Earth, in geosynchronous orbit, the opening will be more or less fixed at a particular location.

Unless, there is a way to project the opening upwards into space aimed at GSO station; maybe one of these,

without building big pyramids.  Which reminds the question, why one end of the portal is always in water?  That water will seal the opening naturally and immediately upon exit or entrance?

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Other Than Being Bubbly, Magic Stone

 If the 'magic stone' moves the body in contact with it, forward slightly in time (because red is of lower frequency than violet, and so of lower lower energy and energy flows from high to low level), out of our 'present' perception and so renders it invisible.   What does a camera capture when it is in contact with such a stone?

Meridians?  Goodnight zzzz.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Hot Future And Dim Skies

 There is another reason why the weather is very hot in the future; an excess of oxygen in the atmosphere.  If \(CO_2\) is broken down into carbon and oxygen, and the oxygen released into the surroundings.  These oxygen combine with hydrogen during daylight and burns into \(H_2O\), water.  The exothermic reaction provides warm and daylight.  Too much oxygen on the surface of Earth results in too much heat and brightness.  Inner Earth, however, dims as more hydrogen are used on the surface with less penetrating into Earth's crust.

 In some enclosed environment, hydrogen is released in the night in the background of some tones, to combine with oxygen and so lowers the amount of oxygen during the night.  It rains regularly at night.  In this way, the level of oxygen in the day starts at a low value, and the day during its peak is less bright and hot.

If carbon capture is the cause of this heat,  it might not be wise to just release the oxygen produced during the carbon capture process into the atmosphere.  Store the oxygen also.

Oxygen combines with hydrogen from the Sun to give water, rains...  This could also be the reason why there is so much rainfall.  The carbon capture process has released excess of oxygen into the atmosphere.

Changing the future... again.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

NEW Rhinitis Frequencies And Phlegm

 This is a set of new frequencies for Rhinitis,

Rhinitis NEW 520 750 830 Hz

; thick phlegm behind the eyeballs causes blur vision.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Vortex Cooling And Energy Storage

 Depending on the ambient temperature,

It might be possible to liquify the gas input by feeding the output back into the input.  The input can be wind powered.  If the output do liquify then there will be a drop in pressure in the tubes and the flow at the hot output might reverse.   In this case, an increase at input, drawing in more cold output by venturi effect, may stop the hot output from reversing.  The flow at the hot end must not reverse.

The liquified air can be stored or be used directly as a heat sink.

Have a nice day.

Initial Circular Momentum And Vortex Tube

 Remember vortex tube cooling,

A few turns around the tube before entering, allows the in-take air to gain circular momentum, instead of generating turbulence by being injected perpendicularly.

More cooling.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Botulinum And Blur Vision

 This file contains new frequencies for Botulinum,

Botulism NEW 320 1655 8500 Hz

Botulinum is a common cause of blur vision.  With breaking disulfide bond mixed in,

Botulism NEW 320 1655 8500 and 1779-79 Hz 

Good luck.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Colic And Blur Vision

 Colic is associated with crying babies and stomach cramps, seems to effect eyesight also,

Colic 130 Hz

Colic 230 Hz

Colic 620 Hz

Colic 1000 Hz

Colic 7500 Hz

and all combined into one,

Colic 130 230 620 1000 7500 Hz

Salty, watery and bubbly sensations in the eyes suggest the frequencies are working against the disease.

Have a nice day.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Hot Motor, Hot Wind, Hot Fan

 The one heat source of a fan is the motor.  As the blades turn, a region of low pressure develops in front of the motor and draws heat from the motor into the air stream that heats up the wind coming at you.

Covers all holes in front of the motor.  The motor will still cool from the vents at the back.  There is a slight backdraft as the blades turn that runs over the back of motor.  This cools the motor and bring heat way from the front wind.

Without motor heat being drawn into the front stream, the fan is now cooler.

By a lot.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

More Platonic Magic

 If this is anti-gravity,

maybe to control it,

the structure can be broken in the middle and be rotated.  Partial contacts at the cut plane may produce reduced anti-gravitational effects.

What if two platonic solids are encased?

time and space?

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Portals For Carbon Based Live Form

 Maybe for Carbon Based Live Forms, we should instead be traveling using,

a half cuboid instead of a half octahedron (a pyramid).  This way, nobody turns into marble on long journeys.


Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sleeping Sickness Generally?!

 This is a set of frequencies labelled African Sleeping Sickness,

African Sleeping Sickness 70 Hz

African Sleeping Sickness 5620 Hz

African Sleeping Sickness 7000 Hz

African Sleeping Sickness 3250 Hz

African Sleeping Sickness 4750 Hz

African Sleeping Sickness 9509 Hz

African Sleeping Sickness 1751-1 Hz

African Sleeping Sickness 4751-1 Hz

African Sleeping Sickness 5270 Hz

Don't lose sleep on it, many sets of frequencies are just vague.

Chagas Disease, Sleeping Disease And Trypanosomiasis

 If you leg kicks involuntarily at the moment you are about to fall asleep, wakes you up and so prevents you from sleeping,

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 220 Hz

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 2920 Hz

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 4000 Hz

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 2227 Hz

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 4775 Hz

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 5270 Hz

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 6670 Hz

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 7210 Hz

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 9889 Hz

and no matter left leg or right, kick once or twice, three of the lower frequencies combined,

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 220 2920 4000 Hz

This disease also disrupts your chain of thoughts.  If this happens during moments of recall, this disease disrupts memory!  And if this happens during speech, it makes you stutter.

Just two cents of worth of observations.  Sleep well. 

Friday, July 21, 2023

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Chondrosarcoma And Blur Vision

 There is a piece of cartilage in the eye socket called, Trochlea; a pulley like structure at the roof of the socket.  If this cartilage develops cancer, it will press against the eye ball, causing to elongate or look downwards.  In either case, corrective lens might be needed.

Chondrosarcoma 80 520 600 1109 2250 Hz

Chondrosarcoma 80 Hz

Chondrosarcoma 520 Hz

Chondrosarcoma 600 Hz

Chondrosarcoma 1109 Hz

Chondrosarcoma 2227 Hz

Chondrosarcoma 2250 Hz

Chondrosarcoma 4575 Hz

Chondrosarcoma 5225-3 Hz

Chondrosarcoma 6912-7 Hz

Chondrosarcoma 7500 Hz

Chondrosarcoma is a type of bone cancer that develops in cartilage cells.  This set of frequencies may help to reduce the swelling cartilage and improve vision.


Friday, June 30, 2023

Gingivitis and Blur Vision

 Maybe gingivitis in the eye sockets is called conjunctivitis, anyway,

Gingivitis 187-5 396-5 587-5 696-5 Hz

Gingivitis 187-5 Hz

Gingivitis 396-5 Hz

Gingivitis 587-5 Hz

Gingivitis 696-5 Hz

maybe not.

Blur vision and a fat face, a horrible way to grow old.  Have a nice day.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Barium Poisoning And Blur Like Sotong

 Barium poisoning will create brain fog, effects your general mental performance not just school performance.

There is no Rife frequencies specifically for barium poisoning but there are a lot of youtube vids for brain fog.  Search 'brain fog' on youtube.

Better yet, be careful, not to be poisoned.

There are frequencies for Barium poisoning!

Detox Barium 1951-629 2182-215 Hz

Detox Barium 1951-629 Hz

Detox Barium 2182-215 Hz

Both high frequencies play it low.

Good night.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Spinning Parabolas

 Remember two spinning aluminum discs?

Now, two spinning parabolas, placed northward facing south.  Something to measure at the focus?

Instantaneous enlightenment at the focus!  Or your brain blows out immediately.  Either way you will make contact with another realm.

Good day.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Kozyrev Time Spiral And Fan Blade

 If the subject sitting inside Kozyrev Aluminum Spiral does no spin as the spiral spins, maybe he will not be nauseated.

If the device is about Aluminum scooping up time then maybe a paper windmill will do better.  In the end, Aluminum foil is pasted onto the blades of an electric fan set on high.

Kozyrev Aluminum Spiral was to promote time energy and enable psychic abilities like telekinesis, remote viewing and other extrasensory perception, ESP.

I am contacting ET.  Wee wond wond, wee wond wond.  No, no headache yet.

Hodgkin Lymphoma And Poor Vision

 The old set of frequencies for Hodgkin Lymphoma are,

Hodgkin Lymphoma 552 1522 Hz

Hodgkin Lymphoma 1522 Hz

Hodgkin Lymphoma 552 Hz

Good luck.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Cancer Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin And Lymphoma, T-Cell And Poor Vision

 Both Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin and Lymphoma, T-Cell, Cutaneous share the same set of frequencies.  But there are different sets on the web, the most common is,

Cancer Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin NEW 233-63 350 930 519-34 2336-3 5193-4 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin NEW 5193-4 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin NEW 4340 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin NEW 2336-3 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin NEW 9350 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin NEW 8750 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin NEW 3568 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin NEW 2523 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin NEW 1233 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin NEW 930 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin NEW 519-34 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin NEW 434 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin NEW 356-8 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin NEW 350 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin NEW 252-3 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin NEW 233-63 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin NEW 123-3 Hz

Good luck.

Cancer Lymphoma B-Cell And Blur Vision

 If you have a radioactive pillow, Cancer Lymphoma B-Cell will cause blur vision,

Cancer Lymphoma B-Cell 120 410 519-34 2364-2 5193-4 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma B-Cell 9350 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma B-Cell 8750 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma B-Cell 5193-4 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma B-Cell 4340 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma B-Cell 3567 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma B-Cell 2364-2 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma B-Cell 2750 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma B-Cell 1750 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma B-Cell 935 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma B-Cell 519-34 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma B-Cell 410 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma B-Cell 236-42 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma B-Cell 120 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma B-Cell 93-5 Hz

Cancer Lymphoma B-Cell 87-5 Hz

These frequencies work by vibrating the cancer cells, set them into resonance, and break them.  Anyone of these frequencies will break the targeted cancer cells, B-cell lymphoma.  Usually a few frequencies are played together (the 1st mp3).

Good luck.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Friday, June 2, 2023

GJK Algorithm Origin Where?

 Where's the origin?

If the origin is inside the Minkowski difference, then the sum of all the areas of triangle formed by two consecutive vertices and the origin, is equal to the area of the Minkowski difference.

If the origin is outside, the sum of all the areas of triangle formed by two consecutive vertices and the origin, is always bigger than the area of the Minkowski difference.  The area of the  Minkowski difference in this case, is the difference between trigangles that overlap the Minkowski difference and triangles that are totally outside the Minkowski difference.

Calculating areas given vertices should be easy. Shoelace or whatever. 

Good night.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Aluminium And Time

 Apparently, the Aluminium cover plays a part,

driving the end portal downwards using 528/524 Hz to rip open time.

Papillitis Optic And Blur Vision

 This set of frequency might be more appropriate for some,

Papillitis Optic 94-57 233-91 426-90 571-00 Hz

Papillitis Optic 95-47 Hz

Papillitis Optic 233-91 Hz

Papillitis Optic 426-90 Hz

Papillitis Optic 571-00 Hz

Additional frequencies,

Papillitis Optic 850 Hz

Papillitis Optic 1271 Hz

Papillitis Optic 1398 Hz

Papillitis Optic 2500 Hz

And combined with high frequencies,

Papillitis Optic 94-57 233-91 426-90 571-00 850 1271 1398 2500 Hz

Its effects are immediate.  A slight itch and bubbly sensation.  The same ser of frequency is used for Papilledema.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Nasal Polyps And Blur Vision

 Strictly speaking they are eye socket polyps,

Nasal polyp 1436 542 Hz

Nasal polyp 542 Hz

Nasal polyp 1436 Hz

Could be cancer of the mucus membrane.   Eyedrops may be needed for dry eyes.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Space Portal By Analogy

From the post "Fragile Time" which has been deleted, time set into resonance from a frequency derived there, rips open a time portal connecting two places in space,

Two places are connected without any space in between, but time is shifted forward.  These two places are at the same spot in space, but one is at a later time.  Due to Earth's motion, this spot at different times, are at different places.  There is a tendency to move northwards.

By analogy, a space portal can be opened by setting space into resonance,

with 'no time' between the portal and end portal; there is just one coincidental opening in space.

A black hole opens, matter get sucked in and a sun develops on that spot.  If it is possible to sustain an opening by dropping the applied frequency below resonance and projecting the end portal into space, then we might have a portal door that connects two places, as commonly understood.

The study of rear ends works again.  Analogy.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Press And See Better Momentarily

 Here are retinal detachment frequencies all in one mp3,

Retinal Detachment 217-50 327-50 452-50 665-75 796-50 834-25 Hz

Usually people who rub their eyes and their vision clear up momentarily have detached retina.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

What if They are Curly

What if the platonic solids are made of coils,

instead of straight conductive wires.  Do they still work as expected?

Copper Brain

 Artificial brain with copper (di)oxide links that mimic as neurons,

Electrical current passing through specific pathways repeatedly heats up the connection and converts the oxides into copper metal.  Thus, establishes a 'preferred' path.

Have a nice day.

Parasites Cryptocotyle Lingua And Botulinum

 Parasites, in general, defend themselves from the body's immune system and weaken the body's defenses around them; other infections (usually bacterial) take root.  And so, an infectious disease and a parasite pairs up.  The bacteria will adapt and live part of its life cycle in the parasite.  Kills off the parasite and the bacteria infection goes away.

In this case, Cryptocotyle Lingua and Botulinum.   


Time Direction Northwards

Portals come in pairs, portal and end portal.  Opens a portal and an end portal appears somewhere in time and space. Enters a portal, exits at the end portal, bidirectional once the two places are connected.  

Why does the end portal travel northwards?

Is there a region near at the Equator where the end portal only moves westwards due to Earth's spin.

Should Earth's orbital rotation be considered?  Is gravity involved?  Maybe the descend of the end portal is due to Earth's rotation around the Sun. 

When the end portal opens up in the sewage or underground waterway, there will be a gust of water out of the portal.

Be careful.