Sunday, July 23, 2023

Chagas Disease, Sleeping Disease And Trypanosomiasis

 If you leg kicks involuntarily at the moment you are about to fall asleep, wakes you up and so prevents you from sleeping,

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 220 Hz

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 2920 Hz

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 4000 Hz

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 2227 Hz

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 4775 Hz

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 5270 Hz

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 6670 Hz

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 7210 Hz

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 9889 Hz

and no matter left leg or right, kick once or twice, three of the lower frequencies combined,

Sleeping Chagas Disease NEW 220 2920 4000 Hz

This disease also disrupts your chain of thoughts.  If this happens during moments of recall, this disease disrupts memory!  And if this happens during speech, it makes you stutter.

Just two cents of worth of observations.  Sleep well.