Saturday, May 13, 2023

Space Portal By Analogy

From the post "Fragile Time" which has been deleted, time set into resonance from a frequency derived there, rips open a time portal connecting two places in space,

Two places are connected without any space in between, but time is shifted forward.  These two places are at the same spot in space, but one is at a later time.  Due to Earth's motion, this spot at different times, are at different places.  There is a tendency to move northwards.

By analogy, a space portal can be opened by setting space into resonance,

with 'no time' between the portal and end portal; there is just one coincidental opening in space.

A black hole opens, matter get sucked in and a sun develops on that spot.  If it is possible to sustain an opening by dropping the applied frequency below resonance and projecting the end portal into space, then we might have a portal door that connects two places, as commonly understood.

The study of rear ends works again.  Analogy.