Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Cloudy E Coli


Cloudy water cleared with tuberculosis rod E Coli frequencies,

Tuberculosis rod E coli 799 Hz

Tuberculosis rod E coli 802 Hz

Tuberculosis rod E coli 804 Hz

Tuberculosis rod E coli 1513 Hz

Tuberculosis rod E coli 1550 Hz

And in general, E Coli frequencies,

E coli 1772 Hz

E coli 1550 Hz

E coli 1320 Hz

E coli 957 Hz

E coli 413 Hz

E coli 333 Hz

E coli 282 Hz

The cloudiness erupted after a piece of papaya was introduced into the tank.  It may or may not be the papaya but none the less, with so much freaking out around, here are the mutant E Coli frequencies too,

mutant E coli 556 Hz

mutant E coli 632 Hz

mutant E coli 634 Hz

mutant E coli 776 Hz

mutant E coli 934 Hz

mutant E coli 1242 Hz

mutant E coli 1244 Hz

mutant E coli 1703 Hz

Play 1550 Hz and 1244 Hz.  Have a nice day.