Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Water of Life

Why is water from the cone cup life giving?  The plants are alive when they are given the water, just dormant but not dead.  Why do they turn carnivorous afterwards?  But first question first, what is life?

The mirrored beings turn into zombies because they are not physiologically satisfied with non-mirrored food.  Their hunger grows and changes them.  Their fangs and long nails are the results of their hunger.  Prions from snakes (somehow) restrict their motion and stiffen their joint; they jump about with their kneels and elbows locked.  Given mirrored food, they recover.  Zombies are not invincible and don't heal quickly.  It is not the case that the water of life brings the plants to life and the plants poison human and turn them into zombies.  The mirrored being turns into zombies because of their insatiable hunger.  Normal human fed with mirrored food will react the same.

The plants found in the stomach of the zombies are the means by which the plants control them.  Maybe there is a Master Plant in charge, some where.

What makes the plant mobile and conscious?

We are aware because we remember the past, every fleeting moment that we once called 'now'.  This is what 'time' provides, a past, snapshots of the present, a collections of which we call 'self'.  Movement and form (as such recognizance), is provided by 'space'.  Maybe then, life is a natural result of spacetime.  'Space' and 'Time' present the unique opportunities to each being, to be and to remember itself.  This is life.

So,  a physics experiment to prove that spacetime provide life,

Right where the two resonance beams meet is LIFE, the water of life.

Have a nice day.