Thursday, January 14, 2016

Mayan Tieng Di Shi_úng Wu_óng

Why is the Mayan prophecy stated so precisely?  Most prophecies are cryptic or are patterned with Ericksonian language as a hypnotist would mesmerize his victim.

Then I saw the monolithic structure some explorer found on the North Pole.  I believe the device is based on the same principle as the bi-metallic strip.  It sucks in ambient heat and an electric current flows circularly in it, on a horizontal plane.  This current generates a magnetic field that we called the Van Allen belt that protects Earth from harmful cosmic and solar radiation.  There should be a similar device in the South Pole.  Without this field, radiations bombarding the Earth's core would make it very unstable, triggering volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tidal waves.   And nuclear reactor cores will go thermal.

It could be that this protective field is sinusoidal with a long period that corresponds to the Mayan Long Count of 5126 years.  That is to say, two consecutive minimums in the field, over time, is 5126 years.  Whoever made the device was trying to warn/remind us of the drop in strength in the protective field using the Mayan Calendar.  It could be that the Van Allen Belt disappears all together at the periodic minimum.

Consistent with this postulation is that when the magnetic field is decreasing, the electric current tends to increase to maintain the field strength (Faraday's Law of Induction).  The device's need for higher current draws more heat from the surroundings, and that is the reason why the polar caps are ice cold.  Assuming that the monolithic structure function basically like a bi-metallic strip.  Beyond the minimum, as the field climbs to a maximum, the increasing field strength lowers the needed electric current and less heat is draw from the ambient.  There is evidence that the polar caps were periodically (a period of 5126÷2=2563 years) warm in the past.

Don't Panic.  This minimum field strength occurs about, 2016.511 = 2016 Jul 04, 12 hr 21 min 36 sec
(A thousand apologies.)

If all this is true, in order to maintain the strength of this protective field, we can simply supply heat to the device.  A nuclear reactor, if not a coal fire furnace to heat up the "bi-metallic strip" that increases the emf (Electro-Motive Force) across the metals interface; the circulating electric current increases and so does the protective magnetic field.

Provided the device is fully functional still...


Tieng Di Shi_úng Wu_óng=天地玄黄

the start of an old Mayan poem about the creation of the Universe; the heavens and earth are the color of yellow plasma.