Thursday, January 14, 2016

I Speak No Mayan Only Hakka

The Mayan calendar starts from 3114 B.C. and it’s calculated to continue for 5126 years and ends on the year 2012 A.D.  However,  the Mayans waited for the winter solstices and then declare a new year.  Our Anno Domini calendar on the other hand, declares a new year at midnight and adjust for an extra leap day every four years.  Over a period of 5126 years, there are,

5126 ÷ 4 = 1281.5 leap days, which is 1281.5 ÷ 365 = 3.51096 years.

Furthermore, since our calendar started its count on 1 A.D. (there is no 0 A.D. but 1 B.C. before 1 A.D.) we have to adjust for an addition of one year.  So in effect, the Mayan end date is

5126 - 3114 + 3.511 + 1 = 2016.511 A.D.

Oh yes, Happy New Year 2016.