Sunday, January 31, 2016

Phonons, Thy Nature Be?

Phonons, phonons, phonons are they gravity particles?  They are then two types of phonons corresponding to positive gravity particles and negative gravity particles.  When spinning they will manifest an electric field or a temperature field.  Both are weak and transient fields.  By themselves, they increase or decrease gravitational potential.  It would then be possible to displace the center of gravity of some geometric shape by setting off one particular type of phonons in one direction.

Have a nice day.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Mayan Calendar Again

 Some have argued that the Mayan end date is

5126 - 3114 - 3.511 + 1

that, the 3.511 years adjustment because of the leap year, should be subtracted from the Mayan Long Count of 5126.  (The Mayan calendar started on 3114 B.C.)

That is wrong. 

Our Anno Domini calendar adds one day to its year every four years so much so that over the period of the Long Count of 5126 years, it has counted ahead by 3.511 years.  This is based on 365 days per year, so our A.D. calendar has counted ahead by 3.511*365 days.  

Our concern here is the spin of the planet Earth, which we perceive as a day and night for every 360o spin.  The period between two consecutive minimum was expressed in years, by which the Mayan track using the winter solstice.  Since we add days to our count, our calendar date race ahead to,

5126 - 3114 + 3.511 + 1 = 2016.511 A.D.

The Mayan prophecy is saying that, from a initial Earth's protective magnetic field strength minimum, after the equivalent of 5126 Mayan years in spins of planet Earth about its axis, we will meet with the next minimum in Earth's protective field strength.

Had the Mayan prophecy been expressed directly as the number of spins of planet Earth about its axis, we might have less trouble.  But counting days would be a really "Long Count" to track.

So this minimum in Earth's field strength is the result of the interaction of two sinusoidal waves (a beat), one from Earth's spin about its axis and one from the device spin.  At this point, this device that provides the protective magnetic field could just be the flow of molten magma in Earth's core and not an exotic alien device.

Have a wonderful day.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Biological Agents, Why?

Attacks with a cocktail of Biological Agents has a high killing rate with relatively low infrastructural damage.  More importantly, it is the psychological effects of the diseases that is most insidious.  Some countries have a spike in suicides and child abuses as both parents and their children are infected with encephalitis.   In other countries the same disease leads to a spike in college shootings and police brutality.  In the former case, children and teenage students were the targets of the attack, and in the latter, the police was also targeted.

It is unfortunate if a country reacts to such attacks only after the pandemic unfolds, it is disastrous if the country is irresponsible.

Be forewarned.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Depressive Botulism

Know that Botulism toxin is suicidal, claustrophobic, hydrophobic and depressive.  It casts doubts and fogs your mind into drawing wrongful conclusions and makes you re-interpret past events to distort your reality.

Know this, your enemy who poisoned you does not win!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Time Changes

Changing events through time is difficult.  There can be instances when the event simply refuse to change.  An accident , an infection, an attack or experiment occurs as before irrespective of the altered circumstances piled up around it with repeated attempts at change through time.

What happened?  What are the principles involved changing events through time?

As a time traveler leaves a time era with the belief and the reality of having effected changes in the past, he returns to the present only to be seen as ignorant or uncaring of the situation demanding changes.  In order words, the time traveler changed his perception of what reality is, but not necessarily reality itself.

How then to effect changes with greater certainty?  There is absolutely no problem meeting with yourselves back in time.  Killing yourselves at the meeting, effects only those whose reality contains you thereafter, directly or indirectly.  They might just experience a small push in the space dimension.  If you are in the least popular, the gravity wave generated however might destroy everything.  So don't kill yourselves!

Technology advances everyday, there is always HOPE.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Wear Goggles

When you are looking at someone's science experiment, wear goggles too.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Weaponized Encephalitis

If your children sudden develop behavior problems, it could be encephalitis.

If you suddenly develop doubts about your relation with your parents/spouse/siblings, it could be encephalitis.

If you suddenly don't recognize your colleagues , it could be encephalitis.

If your staffs suddenly stop listening to you, it could be encephalitis.

If you suddenly feel depressed and suicidal, it could be encephalitis.

If your moral guard suddenly lowers, it could be encephalitis.

If your personality changes suddenly, it could be encephalitis.

If you cannot remember, and is not aware of such memory lapses, it could be encephalitis.

No fever, no headache, no running nose, no other symptoms indicative of an infection is associated with the disease.  It acts quietly.

This encephalitis is weaponized, symptoms develop within days of exposure and last for years!  The disease can be delivered using a canister looking like air-freshener.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Arbo The Mighty Mite

Arbo, the mighty mite
gets into your eyes
makes you lose sight
does not happen now
in a day or two
blurry eyes and quick to temper
soon it's up the nose
germs in the brain
your senses not at bain
and your enemy takes aim
He is but a harbinger
prelude to a takeover
a mess of social disorder
as an invasion takes order

Arbo has friends
a left and right hand
both his "number one"
Botulism isn't a religion
but under the eyelids
you'll go blind
Encephalitis ain't no giant tits
lowers your mental guard
and you start shooting kids
Maybe there's a third
of fear and anxiety
a dance in Melioidosis

Swollen eyelids
ulcer in the eye sockets
something in your eye?
Aya ya, you play host to Arbo
check yourselves!
lest you provide him
and his friends
a room with a view

Time Agent, Change Agent

In order for an agent to change things back in time, this agent must not know of the outcome he is tasked to change.  Otherwise, his actions will just fulfill the original outcome without effecting any changes.

He must be ignorant of the series of events he is to change.  He will then not experience any force along his timeline (his reality) as he effect the changes.

An effective time agent knows nothing.  Once he is aware of the outcome he is to change, he is immediately rendered ineffective as he will experience tremendous forces along his timeline as he tries to change things.

Reality has mass along the time dimension.  Changing reality, stop short many events along the time dimension.  Each of these events, project a physical force in the space dimension.  The change agent is literally pushed to fulfill the original outcome, instead of effecting the desired changes.

A change agent does not know of (nor experience indirectly) the undesired events he is to change back in time.  Know this!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Good News From A Barefoot Doctor

A blunt end of an optical fiber pierced directly into the optic nerve along its grain will bring images received from the other rounded end (a lens) of the same fiber to the brain.

Someone should pick this up, so the blind may see.  God bless ya.

Note:  Use a thicker optical fiber, drawn from heating up a glass rod, otherwise a small spark of light is hardly discernible.

Mayan Tieng Di Shi_úng Wu_óng

Why is the Mayan prophecy stated so precisely?  Most prophecies are cryptic or are patterned with Ericksonian language as a hypnotist would mesmerize his victim.

Then I saw the monolithic structure some explorer found on the North Pole.  I believe the device is based on the same principle as the bi-metallic strip.  It sucks in ambient heat and an electric current flows circularly in it, on a horizontal plane.  This current generates a magnetic field that we called the Van Allen belt that protects Earth from harmful cosmic and solar radiation.  There should be a similar device in the South Pole.  Without this field, radiations bombarding the Earth's core would make it very unstable, triggering volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tidal waves.   And nuclear reactor cores will go thermal.

It could be that this protective field is sinusoidal with a long period that corresponds to the Mayan Long Count of 5126 years.  That is to say, two consecutive minimums in the field, over time, is 5126 years.  Whoever made the device was trying to warn/remind us of the drop in strength in the protective field using the Mayan Calendar.  It could be that the Van Allen Belt disappears all together at the periodic minimum.

Consistent with this postulation is that when the magnetic field is decreasing, the electric current tends to increase to maintain the field strength (Faraday's Law of Induction).  The device's need for higher current draws more heat from the surroundings, and that is the reason why the polar caps are ice cold.  Assuming that the monolithic structure function basically like a bi-metallic strip.  Beyond the minimum, as the field climbs to a maximum, the increasing field strength lowers the needed electric current and less heat is draw from the ambient.  There is evidence that the polar caps were periodically (a period of 5126÷2=2563 years) warm in the past.

Don't Panic.  This minimum field strength occurs about, 2016.511 = 2016 Jul 04, 12 hr 21 min 36 sec
(A thousand apologies.)

If all this is true, in order to maintain the strength of this protective field, we can simply supply heat to the device.  A nuclear reactor, if not a coal fire furnace to heat up the "bi-metallic strip" that increases the emf (Electro-Motive Force) across the metals interface; the circulating electric current increases and so does the protective magnetic field.

Provided the device is fully functional still...


Tieng Di Shi_úng Wu_óng=天地玄黄

the start of an old Mayan poem about the creation of the Universe; the heavens and earth are the color of yellow plasma.

I Speak No Mayan Only Hakka

The Mayan calendar starts from 3114 B.C. and it’s calculated to continue for 5126 years and ends on the year 2012 A.D.  However,  the Mayans waited for the winter solstices and then declare a new year.  Our Anno Domini calendar on the other hand, declares a new year at midnight and adjust for an extra leap day every four years.  Over a period of 5126 years, there are,

5126 ÷ 4 = 1281.5 leap days, which is 1281.5 ÷ 365 = 3.51096 years.

Furthermore, since our calendar started its count on 1 A.D. (there is no 0 A.D. but 1 B.C. before 1 A.D.) we have to adjust for an addition of one year.  So in effect, the Mayan end date is

5126 - 3114 + 3.511 + 1 = 2016.511 A.D.

Oh yes, Happy New Year 2016.