Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Time Force And Time Travel

When a time traveler brings a future invention and show it to the would be inventor, he triggers a time correction that is experienced as a physical force in space.    Everyone associated with the invention are affected.  If the invention is a popular one, used by many, this time wave is catastrophic.

When an inventor invents something new, he creates a singularity in time, an event without precedent that triggers other events.  The invention is the source of many events.  When the inventor is shown his future invention, the singularity in time is destroyed.  He is not going to invent something shown to him, that as far as he is concerned, already exist.  The series of events that flows the singularity collapse and the inventor is left with a sense of lost and a hard push.

If we imagine events in time having mass, and that a time singularity provides the motive force that drives such "event mass" to time speed (light speed) along the time dimension, destroying the singularity stops such event mass along the time dimension, onto which, we, still at time speed along the time dimension, collide.  Such collisions result in a change in our moment along the time dimension.

This is postulated origin of the time wave that we experience as a force in the space dimension.  In the space dimension,


but \(F\ne0\) as the result of a change in \(t\), which we now denote as \(t^{'}\),

\(F=m\cfrac{d\,}{dt}\left\{\cfrac{d\,x}{dt}\right\}=m\cfrac{d\,}{dt}\left\{\cfrac{\partial\,x}{\partial t}+\cfrac{\partial\,x}{\partial t^{'}}\cfrac{dt^{'}}{dt}\right\}\)

where \(dt^{'}\) (or \(\Delta t^{'}\)) is due to the change in time speed (in us, the body that experience the time correction force in the space dimension) as a result of the collision along the time dimension with "event mass" that stopped due to the destruction of its time singularity that drove it forward originally.

We collide with "event mass" along our time line (our straight path in the time dimension).  If we are not associated with the invention (that disappeared in time), then such "event mass" does not exist along our time line, in this way this time correction has a strange property that only bodies associated with the invention experience the force directly, irrespective of their location in space.

This is good, for a start to quantify such a strange force in space as a result of effects in time.  Can we time travel using such a force?

Have a nice day.

Note:   The biggest time singularity is the Big Bang or Creation itself.