Saturday, January 18, 2025

KFK, Genocide And Seafood

 The supposed time traveler KFK was very insistent on his timeline being true.  His presence on this timeline, in the past, makes his timeline self-fulfilling.  Seafood became rare on his timeline because sea water was diluted severely by fresh water.  None of the clams, mussels, abalones and other shell lives survived the drop in salinity.

The death of a group of islanders, genocide, revenge or an act of god, whatever the incident was called, was also important.  It is probably because of the series of laws that came into being after the incident.  Without their deaths this world does not progress to the time projected by Paul Amadeus Dienach as in the book "Chronicles From The Future".  The world ended quickly early 21st century.

The Roswell Crash in 1947 involved two crafts front and back while traveling in time.  Previously, a collision was thought impossible because time travel is at a fixed constant speed; no two crafts can jump into timeslip at the same time and space, so no collision.  A smaller craft started later, crash into a craft in front twice. The second crash bounced the smaller craft  out of timeslip and crash in a later date 1947 Jul 4.  The front craft came out of timeslip later in time, at an earlier date 1947 Jul 1.  They were both traveling back in time.  A second crash between the crafts suggest that some thing on the second craft made it faster; it was not the jump into timeslip at the start that cause the difference in speed.  The first crash would have redistributed the total momentum, the front craft faster and the back craft decelerated and make a second crash unlikely.  As it turn out,  a student they were carrying back in time, sharpened his pencil on the bottom of the smaller rotating craft.  He left behind a thin layer of graphite, a complete circle, on the bottom of the craft.  This graphite circle made the second craft faster in timeslip.  Because the time spent in timeslip is limited, a faster speed in timeslip means further the time travelled.  This is the reason why some countries have extended their Secrecy Act to over a longer period of sixty years.  Time spent in timeslip is limited because, the inertia field around the craft is not perfect, time energy inside the craft drained out into the environment.  Without time, madness.  However, if there is a source of time energy inside the craft that replenishes the lost in time energy, then timeslip can last forever.

Did I just save the world again or what.