Friday, January 12, 2024

Mind Control And Worms

 These parasitic worms are introduced into the ear, back of the throat or under the chin (possibly into the aorta ) via a puncture.   They do not develop fully but grow to be big enough that, when subjected to a high pitch sound from a whistle, become very agitated and cause the host to freeze or in mid-stride, fall.   Infected people standing, will freeze upon the high pitch whistle and, in such a catatonic state when given a suggestion to disperse will readily comply.  Much more elaborate suggestions can be delivered, like "cluck like a chicken when you see a bus".  A vey busy chicken you will become.

Parasites Strongyloides (filariform larva) 680 900 2500 5500 1393(sq) 9350(sq) Hz

Strongyloidiasis 60 250 950 6517(sq) 9250(sq) Hz

Worms in the ears when agitated by a high pitch sound is like being pull at the ear, except, the effects are much greater than your mother pulling at your ear;  you will comply...

Freeze... at ease?  Now the worms are electronic.

Try to have a nice day.