Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Tracheal Cyst And Blur Vision

 If you have residual, slight myopia this is the set of frequencies that might help,

Tracheal Cyst 160 350 930 2250(sq) Hz

Good luck.

Colic, Desmoid And Dumb Ass

 This will let you read and learn again,

colic and desmoid with sq wave Hz

Good luck.  Rife frequencies are speculative still.  Take all advice from the web with a pinch of salt.

Fibromatosis, Juvenile Hyaline and Desmoid

 This is a combined audio file of frequencies for Fibromatosis, Juvenile Hyaline and Desmoid,

Fibromatosis, Juvenile Hyaline and Desmoid Hz

may help with poor vision.

Good luck.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Monday, January 22, 2024

Anthrax And Blur Vision

 Because of this phrase "天地晦盲",

Anthrax 70 680 930 5500 (sq 1109 1193-4 1500 1753-3 5450 7050 9791-1) Hz

"草木蕃殖" 草长过木篱蕃,得 ‘菓(guo1)’ 字。

"阴阳反背" 一阴一阳,竖立并排,"丬", "爿(pan2)", 反背得 "兆"字。

如果 "天地晦盲" 是个 "朝"字,"上土下日",突出了 "十月"。


"爿" 的意识是如竹劈成片。"戴"字劈开,去 "上土下日" 后是 "丨","共","戈"。再爿 "戈" 字,得 "弋",和 "上土下日", "者"。

接下来有,"错"字去 "上土下日" 得 "钍"。因为 "爿" 也同 "分","弄" 不称 "王" 剩 "廾(gong3)", "弅" 意识是,山丘高起貌。"廾" 和 "合" 得 "弇(yan3)",于"十" 得 "卉", 草木。"弇", "卉"该是地名吧。


"血无头",头砍了,剩颈项和喉咙开一个口,是"口"字。"何日休" 是指 "止",加上"兆"是个"跳"。古文通"逃"。

"手弄"是挑手旁,"扌", 加 "兆"是"挑"。"扢(gu3)" 摩擦。

"钍","扢","火","弅" 是炸弹,地底爆炸。"逃"吧!  好一个 "菓","爿","兆","阴阳反背",难道是汉奸?

《推背图》第四十一象 离卦,可是纷争多多。上土下日是"到早",到灶。

谶曰: 天地晦盲,草木蕃殖。阴阳反背,上土下日


Good day.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Electricity And Heat Running Along

 Do not charge the phone and plug in an heating element at the same time,

heat travels along the same electrical conduit and heat up the batteries.  Even at 100 degrees C, the batteries will explode.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Tetanus, Epidermoid Cyst And Clear Vision

 These two sets of frequencies should come together,

Tetanus And Epidermoid Cyst

and just in case you are an experiment subject,

Tetanus Epidermoid Cyst And HIV

Good luck and clear vision.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Cerebelloretinal Angiomatosis, Sebaceous Cyst And Blur Vision

 Combining Rife frequencies for Cerebelloretinal Angiomatosis and Sebaceous Cyst into one audio file,

Cerebelloretinal Angiomatosis and Sebaceous Cyst

this combined frequency audio file will help with blur vision due to this form of tumor.  And to add meningioma to the mix,

Cerebelloretinal Angiomatosis Meningioma and Sebaceous Cyst

Good luck.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Mind Control And Worms

 These parasitic worms are introduced into the ear, back of the throat or under the chin (possibly into the aorta ) via a puncture.   They do not develop fully but grow to be big enough that, when subjected to a high pitch sound from a whistle, become very agitated and cause the host to freeze or in mid-stride, fall.   Infected people standing, will freeze upon the high pitch whistle and, in such a catatonic state when given a suggestion to disperse will readily comply.  Much more elaborate suggestions can be delivered, like "cluck like a chicken when you see a bus".  A vey busy chicken you will become.

Parasites Strongyloides (filariform larva) 680 900 2500 5500 1393(sq) 9350(sq) Hz

Strongyloidiasis 60 250 950 6517(sq) 9250(sq) Hz

Worms in the ears when agitated by a high pitch sound is like being pull at the ear, except, the effects are much greater than your mother pulling at your ear;  you will comply...

Freeze... at ease?  Now the worms are electronic.

Try to have a nice day.

Meningioma, Sebaceous Cyst And Blur Vision

 Combining frequencies for meningioma and sebaceous cyst,

meningioma and sebaceous cyst

into one audio file.

... and that's how I save the world from the myopia apocalypse. 

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Meningioma And Blur Vision

 I was looking for frequencies specific to cancer/tumor/growth/swelling in the eye sockets, this set came along,

meningioma 446 537 Hz

meningioma 446 535 Hz


meningioma 100 410 870 5500 Hz

Meningioma is the most common type of primary brain tumor that originate in the meninges. Meninges are the outer three layers of tissue between the skull and the brain that cover and protect the brain just under the skull.

Good luck.   And this was previously posted,

Schwannoma Schwannomatosis Plexiform 350 700 2780 7250 1250 4202 Hz

Good luck again.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

New Coronaviridae Infections Frequencies

 Here a combined audio file of frequencies for Corona

Coronaviridae Infections 80 350 5750 1293(sq) 6347(sq) Hz 

and with breaking disulfide bonds added, 

Coronaviridae Infections And SS 80 350 5750 1293(sq) 6347(sq) Hz

Good luck.

More Cancer And Blur Vision

Paraganglioma can be seen at the edge of the eye near the nose ridge, 

paraganglioma 300 620 900 2500 5722(sq) Hz

if you have this in your eye, you will have blur vision.  And,

Fibrodysplasia OP 230 1180 2260 1358(sq) Hz

chicken feet for hands, when ossification affects eye muscles, focus is difficult.

Good luck.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Desmoid Tumor And Blur Vision

Desmoid tumors are noncancerous growths that occur in the connective tissue.  If desmoid tumor is the cause of your blur vision,

desmoid 50 230 950 1339(sq) Hz

listen to this audio.  And

Fibromatosis Juvenile Hyaline 50 230 950 1053(sq) 3251(sq) 6248(sq) Hz

Good night.