Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Paramyxoviridae Infections And Myopia

 This is typical hypochondriac reactions to all prevailing infections,

Paramyxoviridae Infections 102-37 Hz

Paramyxoviridae Infections 145-47 Hz

Paramyxoviridae Infections 203-0 Hz

Paramyxoviridae Infections 486-1 Hz

Paramyxoviridae Infections 535-91 Hz

All frequencies combined,

Paramyxoviridae Infections 102-37 145-57 203-0 486-1 535-91 Hz

and with breaking S-S disulfide bonds in the possible toxins,

Paramyxoviridae Infections And S-S 177-979 1779-79 102-37 145-57 203-0 486-1 535-91 Hz

No, my golddfishes have it.  Was it the shrew released in the field nearby?