Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Myopia And Blowing Your Nose

 These five sets of frequencies are those whose blow their noses too hard and their infections (flu, cough) went up the eye sockets,

Lingering Cough and S-S 4664-44 177-979 1779-79 Hz

Lingering Cough and S-S 3665-65 177-979 1779-79 Hz

Lingering Cough and S-S 2543-34 177-979 1779-79 Hz

Lingering Cough and S-S 2444-55 177-979 1779-79 Hz

Lingering Cough and S-S 1666-34 177-979 1779-79 Hz

play one file at a time, will work well with RIFE frequencies for influenza.
