Do this make sense?
Vout is the integration of voltage Vin within a period of 115.088ms. To adjust for a period of one second.
χ=15.088∗103∗Vout in units of Vs or Wb
where χ, is the measured flux in the crystal field. Where the gain of the circuit is set to one.
Vout is the rms value of a time varying signal, taken with a voltmeter set to measure AC voltage.
Vin is not likely to be a perfect sinusoidal.
It is assumed here that a varying χ field at the crystal induces a voltage Vin at a resonance frequency of 15.088kHz. This voltage is not used directly as a measure of the field, but instead the application of such a voltage over time (1 s) in a reciprocal circuit that generate a similar flux is used as the measure of the flux pick up by the crystal.
The key is the ability to amplify the field at a resonance of 15.088kHz using an electrical voltageVin
Right or wrong?