Monday, March 28, 2022

Measuring Crystal Field χχ

 Do this make sense?

Vout is the integration of voltage Vin within a period of 115.088ms.  To adjust for a period of one second.

χ=15.088103Vout in units of Vs or Wb

where χ, is the measured flux in the crystal field.   Where the gain of the circuit is set to one.

Vout is the rms value of a time varying signal, taken with a voltmeter set to measure AC voltage.

Vin is not likely to be a perfect sinusoidal.

It is assumed here that a varying χ field at the crystal induces a voltage Vin at a resonance frequency of  15.088kHz.  This voltage is not used directly as a measure of the field, but instead the application of such a voltage over time (1 s) in a reciprocal circuit that generate a similar flux is used as the measure of the flux pick up by the crystal.

The key is the ability to amplify the field at a resonance of 15.088kHz using an electrical voltageVin

Right or wrong?  

Sunday, March 27, 2022

 推背图第三十三象:丙申 巽下兑上 大过


黄河水清 澈,真龙出

气顺则治    通,和,兴

主客不分 家

地支无子    丑首, 韩语,周






稚子半可哀,稚子是‘小,儿’,‘小,子’。半个哀是,亠+口,少个‘冗’是个‘亮’,但不是‘亮’,                            可能是 ‘享’ 或 ‘京’。

得‘星河,享/京,朝,一统...’  ‘瀑’,‘京’???被从银河,外星来打一场,输,比较服气。

‘胡人气不衰’译成‘歹’,加上‘稚子半可哀’,‘儿’字的半边‘乚’。为何‘死’呢?‘天长白瀑来’ 和 ‘藩篱多撤去’,得‘星河统一’一词。


古月人=月光童子=申日儿本=small grey

儿本=urban=city state

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Three Lumps On A Plate

 Remember this,


where spin along any one axis (time or space) extends a radiating field (space or time correspondingly) in the perpendicular direction.  A spin in the plane containing both axes extends a planar field of alternating time and space.  The first is when the photons are projected out through the apex of the crystal, and the second is when the photons are amplified using an AC at 15.088Hz within the crystal.

And so...

撓场 = photons, ψc

Myopia And Chlamydia Pneumoniae

 Salty, itchy and sneezy,

Chlamydia pneumoniae And S-S 3771-7_177-979_1779-79 Hz

play at low volume, mind the high frequency.


Butter And Crystals

 This came to mind,

one interpretation of the Heart Sūtra。

Monday, March 21, 2022

Talking Pets And Chi Image

 If it is possible,

basically a piece of silicon packed with field detectors, blocked from EMW, to assembled an 'field' image.

If it is possible to listen in, 

do cats think in English?  Do dogs think in Cantonese?

Have a nice day.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Searching For Acupuncture Points

 Assuming that the presence of the mysterious field (is photonic in nature) at the crystal will, by reciprocity, cause a resonate frequency of 15.088kHz,

the op amp comparator saturates at its output and turns the LED on.  The crystal is surrounded by water except for a small aparture and is encased in a metal cage to totally block any EMW signals.

If this circuit works, then,

which is a basic AM radio tuned specifically to a low 15.088kHz.  Maybe we can then listern to such a field at 听门穴.

No, no need to jack in; a hole at the back of your neck is not a good idea.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Myopia And Bacillus

 In general Bacillus infections,

Bacillus And Breaking S-S disulfide1779-79_177-979_2655_928-28_255-08 Hz

Bacillus infecting the eyes will cause myopia.


Myopia And Specifically Bacillus Thuringiensis

 This will also clear up the aquarium,

Bacillus thuringiensis And S-S 520_902_1405_2551_177-979_1779-97 Hz

Bacillus Thuringiensis maybe harmful to prawns and snails.  As always, salty discharge from your teeth, may indicate Bacillus Thuringiensis in your eyes.

May clear sight be with you.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Myopia And Bacillus

 This is a common eye infection,

Bacillus subtilis, conjunctivitis 432_722_822_1246_177-979_1779-79 Hz

due to bacillus, a genus of Gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria, very widely found in water and soil.

Clears up the fish tank very quicky.  Good luck.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

TB, Straight Spine And Breaking Disulfide Bonds

This is a set of RIFE frequencies for tuberculosis together with breaking disulfide S-S bond;

Tuberculosis virus And S-S 2565_1552_177-979_1779-79 Hz 

may be more effective than just RIFE freqeuncies alone.

Straighten up now...

Monday, March 7, 2022

Chancroid And Myopia

Usually Chancroid is not in the eye sockets, however,

Chancroid 754-19_682-02_515-7_324-37_177-979_1779-79 Hz

when combined with frequencies to break disulfide bonds, RIFE frequencies for Chancroid frequencies maybe more effective.