Friday, January 7, 2022

Breaking Lithium Salts In The Solid Electrolyte Interphase In Batteries

 The experimental Li-F bond length in lithium fluoride (\(LiF\)) is \(1.564\,A\);



\(\cfrac{f_{res}}{10^{15}}= 233.853\,\,Hz\)

Breaking Li-F bond in Lithium Fluoride 233-853 Hz

The experimental Li-O bond length in Di-Lithium Oxide (\(Li_2O\)) is \(1.606\,A\);




Breaking Li-O bond in Di-Lithium Oxide 227-738 Hz

As for Lithium Carbonate, which bond to break to dis-associate the salt?  One bond length value stands out as shortest of three C-O bonds in the crystalline structure of \(Li_2CO_3\) (Data from

The one short C-O bond length in \(Li_2CO_3\) crystals is \(1.26\,A\)




Breaking short C-O bond in Li2CO3 crystals 290-275 Hz

This frequency might free the carbon in the crystal lattice as \(CO_2\),resulting in free \(O\) radicals and atomic lithium.  Breaking the other two C-O bonds at \(1.31\,A\), might produce \(CO\), carbon monoxide.

The free radicals produced as the result of these sonic decompositions will result in new compounds being formed in the SEI.  For worse or for better...

Have a nice day.