Saturday, January 29, 2022





《水虎 - 2022》

Saturday, January 22, 2022

 推背图第三十九象:壬寅 巽下兌上 頤

但是,巽下兌上 是‘大过’卦 不是 ‘’,’相对‘大过’是错卦。


‘鸟无足’ 错成 ‘鸟有足’ 得 ‘企’,‘人’,‘止’

‘山有月’ 错成 ‘山无月’ 得 ‘朔夜’,‘’, ‘朔旦’。

‘旭初升’ 错成 ‘日终落’ 得 ‘夕’

‘人都哭’ 错成 ‘人不哭’,‘人勿哭’,‘人都笑’ 得 ‘安’,‘幸’,‘乐’。




‘朔’ 错成 ‘望’。 ‘山无月’ 为 ‘山亡月’,无‘王’。




Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Botulinum, Myopia And Labile Disulfide Bonds

This set of frequencies combines botulinum and breaking labile disulfide bonds,

Botulinum (tooth) and S-S 364-55_177-979_1779-79 Hz 

Maybe, acting both on disulfide bonds in botulinum toxins and the bacteria will kill botulinum and at the same time reduce inflammation due to the toxins.  And so, a quick relief to myopia.

 Goodnight.  And this,

Botulinum (tooth) and S-S 364-55_518_177-979_1779-79 Hz

with two frequencies for Botulinum may even be better.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Everything Like That...

 For a disease to persist, it has to re-infect the host constantly.  Most infection mechanisms use the labile disulfide bonds as hinges to gain leverage and push into the cell through the lipid layer.  At the last stage of these infection processes the disulfide bonds break and the pathogen is injected into the cell, infecting it.  But, if the disulfide bonds break prematurely, the infection process fails, and the disease dies out.

Breaking S-S Labile Disulfides in Infectious Diseases 1779-79_177-979 Hz

May all infectious diseases be gone.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Diphtheria Toxin And Two Disulfide Bonds

 Diphtheria toxin has two S-S idisulfide bonds so.

Diphtheria combined and breaking S-S 515-13_894-73_962_1779-79 Hz

maybe together with resonance frequency \(1779.79 \,\,Hz\) that breaks labile disulfide bonds of length \(2.055\,A\), is a combination more effective at breaking the disease.

Have a nice day.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Breaking Lithium Salts In The Solid Electrolyte Interphase In Batteries

 The experimental Li-F bond length in lithium fluoride (\(LiF\)) is \(1.564\,A\);



\(\cfrac{f_{res}}{10^{15}}= 233.853\,\,Hz\)

Breaking Li-F bond in Lithium Fluoride 233-853 Hz

The experimental Li-O bond length in Di-Lithium Oxide (\(Li_2O\)) is \(1.606\,A\);




Breaking Li-O bond in Di-Lithium Oxide 227-738 Hz

As for Lithium Carbonate, which bond to break to dis-associate the salt?  One bond length value stands out as shortest of three C-O bonds in the crystalline structure of \(Li_2CO_3\) (Data from

The one short C-O bond length in \(Li_2CO_3\) crystals is \(1.26\,A\)




Breaking short C-O bond in Li2CO3 crystals 290-275 Hz

This frequency might free the carbon in the crystal lattice as \(CO_2\),resulting in free \(O\) radicals and atomic lithium.  Breaking the other two C-O bonds at \(1.31\,A\), might produce \(CO\), carbon monoxide.

The free radicals produced as the result of these sonic decompositions will result in new compounds being formed in the SEI.  For worse or for better...

Have a nice day.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

推背图第三十九象:壬寅 巽下兌上 頤


‘鸟无足’ ,蹲。 ‘蹲’无足,尊。







‘南山有雀北山罗’,‘南山有雀’,‘岛’。南山交给北山,‘与’,‘屿’。‘南山’,‘山’字倒写。‘罗’去掉上面的‘山’得 ‘卩’和‘夕’


‘大海沉沉日已过’,沉入海的日头,‘汐’。‘在海上已过’, ‘渡’,‘已过’,在前面的一堆字里去掉‘氵’+‘夕’ 的字体,得‘朝,散,中,蜀,岛,与/屿,印,日,鸣金,度’。 还有个‘纳呆’。


朝 = federation

先进文明 - 伏羲氏






坤在上,乾在下,是中医里的八卦。 周易要重排。。。所以是个‘疯子’。

Monday, January 3, 2022

Saving Bananas And Myopia

Panama disease or banana wilt also affects the eye, 

Fusarium oxysporum 795 Hz

Fusarium oxysporum 780 Hz

Fusarium oxysporum 705 Hz

Fusarium oxysporum 332 Hz

Fusarium oxysporum 102 Hz

leading to blindness. 

Fusarium oxysporum 102_332_795 Hz and

Fusarium oxysporum 102_332_705_795 Hz 

Good luck.

Tourmaline Nature's Solar Battery

 Tourmaline is both pyroelectric and piezoelectric.  If it is possible to charge this crystal and tap its electrical charge, then tourmaline is nature's solar battery.

Use, drained and put in the sun to charge.  Have a nice day.