Saturday, May 1, 2021

Two Pointy Ends

 What if we consider, a octahedron in the time dimension and a sphere in the space dimension.  

From the post "Freaking Out Entanglement" dated 14 Dec 2017 (corrected as),


instead of a sphere in time we use the octahedron,


The centroid to vertex distance of an octahedron of edge \(a\) is,


if this is equal to \(T\) (a unit of time) then its volume is given by,

with \(a=\cfrac{2T}{\sqrt{2}}\)


and so,


where \(T=\cfrac{1}{f}\),


What is this frequency?  Octahedron 1122-942 Hz

Apparently, before entering into the higher plane I have to clear my mind; to approach the infinite intelligence stupid.