Saturday, February 20, 2021

About Rat Utopia

 There're two things missing from Universe 25, freedom to move from the experiment spot and the inability to clean that spot sufficiently.

Which points to the importance of personal hygiene in social interactions.

Enough said.  

However, the mental degradation, experienced by mice under the deprivation of clean space, free from the smell of urine and shit, that progress from anxiety, stressed, depressed, withdrawn, anti-social, violent, criminal, and eventually to cannibalistic behaviors, can also result from deprivations of all and any scarcities. Scarcities that include money, water, food, living space, data, love... all desires, materials or non-materials, that the free will finds wanting.  

In fact, the free will can be so defined, as a psychological tendency that when deprived leads to mental degradations; makes you crazy.  But a tendency towards what end?  Survival, of course.  So... free will is a psychological tendency towards self-preservation, that when deprived leads to crazies (mental degradations).  However, it is not survival on auto; even if an objective assessment that a certain path leads to total self-destruction, the free will might insist on having fun still.  The logic is simple: if it is going to end soon, it is best to party harder.  

Party! Party! Party!

The web is full of evidence that free willing does not always lead to self preservation.  In this COVID-19 pandemic, masks and social distancing, pills for a longer member is still constantly out of stock. With vaccination, is safe distancing still...?  One meter is a long way to grow.