Saturday, February 20, 2021

About Rat Utopia

 There're two things missing from Universe 25, freedom to move from the experiment spot and the inability to clean that spot sufficiently.

Which points to the importance of personal hygiene in social interactions.

Enough said.  

However, the mental degradation, experienced by mice under the deprivation of clean space, free from the smell of urine and shit, that progress from anxiety, stressed, depressed, withdrawn, anti-social, violent, criminal, and eventually to cannibalistic behaviors, can also result from deprivations of all and any scarcities. Scarcities that include money, water, food, living space, data, love... all desires, materials or non-materials, that the free will finds wanting.  

In fact, the free will can be so defined, as a psychological tendency that when deprived leads to mental degradations; makes you crazy.  But a tendency towards what end?  Survival, of course.  So... free will is a psychological tendency towards self-preservation, that when deprived leads to crazies (mental degradations).  However, it is not survival on auto; even if an objective assessment that a certain path leads to total self-destruction, the free will might insist on having fun still.  The logic is simple: if it is going to end soon, it is best to party harder.  

Party! Party! Party!

The web is full of evidence that free willing does not always lead to self preservation.  In this COVID-19 pandemic, masks and social distancing, pills for a longer member is still constantly out of stock. With vaccination, is safe distancing still...?  One meter is a long way to grow.

Friday, February 19, 2021

 在《史记·卷二十八·封禅书第六》裡,‘四海’是個星。司马迁把‘四海’與,‘歲星’即是木星,和 ‘填星’及即是土星同列。到底‘四海’在哪?


解字迷解出 Men In Black 來了。

Thursday, February 18, 2021

The Greys


土猴兀自消除。 四海衣冠新彩畫。 三百年来事唔順。 虎頭帶土何須問。




‘土’自消除 = 去掉‘山’為‘夆’



虎頭 = 虎頭蜂






土 = Earth






三百年来事唔順 = 打三百年!來者不善。





‘乌打马’太子,在绝望之际,走向了黑暗,用了‘玄藏’里的知识,打造了僵尸兵团。‘玄藏’可以被译成 ‘dark subject’, ‘dark art’, ‘black magic’.  



‘土猴兀自消除。 四海衣冠新彩畫。 三百年来事唔順。 虎頭帶土何須問。’



Saturday, February 13, 2021

Hot, Earth Has A Fever

 A hydrogen flame is nearly invisible in daylight because it is daylight.  Hydrogen from the sun combines with oxygen in earth's atmosphere to produce heat and light, daylight.  Hydrogen is very difficult to contain.  it penetrates into most surface.  When it combines with oxygen underneath the skin, it burns.  This is why sunburns surface hours after exposure to the sun; only when the burnt sub-dermic skin move upwards and is exposed.

So, when Earth heats up at the atmosphere, it is either too much hydrogen or too much oxygen.  Earth's core heating up is a different issue.

Prevent more hydrogen from penetrating Earth's surface and burning the soil might be the solution at some places.  Since hydrogen is very penetrating, a layer of oxygen between layers of glass will enable water so produced to be collected too.  The running water will cool the contraption.  Water can be broken down into its basic elements and the oxygen recycled.

When the ground do not heat up too badly, vegetation will grow...

Friday, February 12, 2021

Songs, Tunes, Lyrics And The Day of Reckoning

 The tune of a song (曲) is created when the song is sung for the first time.  The music accompaniment (篇曲) comes after, when music is created to follow the song.  There can be more than one music accompaniments to the same tune, with different choice of musical instruments and different types of vocal accompaniments.  More importantly, many music accompaniments do not follow the tune of the song at all as it 'accompany' the song.  Or the song can be sung plain, without any music.  Is music accompaniment accredited with copyrights?  In most countries, no; especially when the music follows the tune of the song closely.  The song, lyrics and tune have copyrights.  Sometimes, it is possible to split into separate copyrights for the the lyrics of the song and the tune of the song.  

A song can be sung to a different tune.  As such, some countries award copyrights to the lyrics of the song only.  Only the words count.

But both the lyrics and the tune, are the same act of creation as the song is written.  A different tune later based on the same word, is another act of creation, tune only.  A different set of words based on the tune of some other song, is also an act of creation, lyrics only.

If a piece of music can claim originality; so can anyone else.  Many pieces of music can be created based on a tune, or on fragments of the tune to a song.  It is easy.

There have been cases when a piece of music having given originality, make further claims of originality on the tune from the song on which the music is derived.  That is wrong; made possible because people mistake music accompaniment and the tune of a song to be the same thing.  Setting new lyrics to a song written in another language and released as an original creation is just thievery.  A Japanese song start different from a Mandarin song, because these languages sound different and so, the first note has to be different.  It is just awkward, otherwise.  In this case, 'otherwise' mean from overseas.

Have a nice day.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021





《金牛 - 2021》

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Touchy, Touchy, Fungal Munchies

 And this set of frequencies for the fungus Trichophyton Rubrum,

Fungus Trichophyton Rubrum 923 Hz

Fungus Trichophyton Rubrum 752 Hz

Commonly found on nails, hands, feet and groin.  It is the most common cause of athlete's foot, fungal infection of nail, jock itch, and ringworm.

We are still on the theme of cloudy aquarium water.  In this case, when people dip themselves into the tank, feeding with their hands, fingers or palm.   Use a spoon, pre-soak the dried fish food granules.

Bacteria In Legions

 This is a set of frequencies for Legionella,

Legionellosis 975-23 Hz

Legionellosis 725-69 Hz

Legionellosis 562-50 Hz

Legionellosis 391-28 Hz

Legionellosis 192-28 Hz

another genus of bacteria that causes water cloudiness and illness in people.