Thursday, December 24, 2020

Belly Fat Christmas

This frequency is effective against white spot and stiff tail fin in goldfish, 

Balantidium Coli Cysts 1140-23 Hz

Also known as Ich, it is caused by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, a protozoan of the group Ciliate.  In this same group,  Balantidium coli is pathogenic in human.  Among a number of Rife frequencies listed for Parasites Balantidium coli cysts, 1140.23 Hz is effective in fish.

What is more interesting is that frequencies for Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral (VHS) posted previously, also reduces belly fat in human.  These frequencies are repeated below,

Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral 193-50 Hz

Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral 356-72 Hz

Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral 426-16 Hz

Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral 567-70 Hz

Merry Christmas.  This Christmas, give that belly fat away.