Thursday, December 31, 2020

No Big Deal, Just Fish Slime In A Petri Dish

 Traditional Chinese medicine warm of eating fish with no scale (无鳞鱼).  In particular, herbs like 荆芥 (Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb) used for flu, lasting boils and blisters, are contraindicated with non scaly fish.  Other herbs similarly cautioned include, 白豆蔻 (Amomum cardamomum) and 何首乌 (Fallopia multiflora, Thunb.). 

Some doctors warn against taking non-scaly fish when using Chinese medicine, in general.

Non-scaly fish is slimy.  If handling fish gets you a virus infection, wear gloves.  No big deal.

Just fish slime in a petri dish.

Fish, The Common Flu And Other Virus

How much virus is in the slime coat of fish?  Does fish has venom that stunts its prey?  Is viral infections and aquaculture, including the home aquarium, correlated?  Does nibbling fish and nasty fish bites give you the flu?

Until, proven scientifically, no, no, no, and no.  If virus is found in the slime coat of any aquatic animals, that will be good news.  Virus can then be cultured.

A New Year

 A phrase that added much peace to this world is:

Thank you!              “多谢."

and the respond pair,

You're welcomed.    "唔噻客气!"

forget about,

The Pandemic          "疫"  

that would mark 2020.  It 2021 already.

Zoonotic Has Fish In It

 Aquarium fishes are usually infected with the same disease as their seller.  The initial batch had mycobacterium tuberculosis, listeria and fish lice.  The shop owner tends to have a lower voice volume, like to sit, lean on one leg and has infections along the lines of her finger nails.  A second batch of fish, was healthy, but has pinworms and fungus.  The third batch recently, has notably botulinum; a depressive disease that tend towards impatience, irritability and weak of sight in human.  The fish with the disease launch into dash and stop abruptly, knotting left and right, in a manner like an anxiety attack; also like a human with more severe botulinum poisoning.

Mosquitoes provide for fish by laying eggs into pools and paddles.  The larva hatches and is fish food. What do fish provide in return?

 What happens when a mosquito dip itself into water?

And fish with clamped tail fin that points downwards, may have cholera, the persist sort.  Fish with a clamped tail, clamp on both up and down side, but on the whole pointing upwards has viral diseases, either VHS or listeria.  Fish responding to Rife frequencies, stay still and dip with tail upwards, as if dozing off.

Happy New Year 2021.

 Happy New Year 2021

Sunday, December 27, 2020






高低甚可怜=高压低, 甚谓可怜;印








危言耸听! 请切莫迷信。但如能先防,可救人命,不忌轻言薄语之骂名。

Friday, December 25, 2020

More Stiff Fins And White Spots

 Here is another set of frequencies for Parasites Balantidium coli cysts that remove white spot and stiff tail fin from fish,

Parasites Balantidium coli cysts 462-90 Hz

Parasites Balantidium coli cysts 460 Hz

Parasites Balantidium coli cysts 458-80 Hz

Parasites Balantidium coli cysts 337-30 Hz

Parasites Balantidium coli cysts 331 Hz

Parasites Balantidium coli cysts 204-51 Hz

Some of these frequencies are close to each other, at most only three frequencies can be played simultaneously.

Have a nice day.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Belly Fat Christmas

This frequency is effective against white spot and stiff tail fin in goldfish, 

Balantidium Coli Cysts 1140-23 Hz

Also known as Ich, it is caused by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, a protozoan of the group Ciliate.  In this same group,  Balantidium coli is pathogenic in human.  Among a number of Rife frequencies listed for Parasites Balantidium coli cysts, 1140.23 Hz is effective in fish.

What is more interesting is that frequencies for Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral (VHS) posted previously, also reduces belly fat in human.  These frequencies are repeated below,

Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral 193-50 Hz

Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral 356-72 Hz

Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral 426-16 Hz

Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral 567-70 Hz

Merry Christmas.  This Christmas, give that belly fat away.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Noisy Fish Keeping

 The frequency(ies) mentioned for bacterial fin rot is listed below,

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 3965 Hz

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 2959-4 Hz

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 1132 Hz

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 174!!! Hz

174 Hz is the most effective frequency.  The rest are high frequencies that are expected to be more penetrating in water.  Play them with headphones in a waterproof bag immersed, or through speakers pressed against the wall of the aquarium tank; for 2 Hours or more, as long the rot is visible.

Good luck.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Bleeding Inside

 If your comet goldfish dies for no apparent reason but for dark patches under the intact scales, it might be viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS).  There is no listed Rife frequencies for VHS but,

Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral 193-50 Hz

Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral 356-72 Hz

Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral 426-16 Hz

Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral 567-70 Hz

there is a set of frequencies for Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers.  

Here is a set of gingivitis frequencies for fin rot.

Gingivitis 696.5 Hz

Gingivitis 587.5 Hz

Gingivitis 396.5 Hz

Gingivitis 187.5 Hz

There is a general set of frequencies for fungus, mold and yeast, that can be used for cloudy water.  Together with a slice of garlic, the water clears up very quickly.  But the cloudiness returns soon after the speakers are switched off.  The spores have to be killed or suppressed using chemicals.

Have a nice day.


Friday, December 4, 2020








可能是,事太前头遥远了,不能破译。只得几个字, ‘乱’,‘饥’,‘灾’,‘战’,‘燥’,‘朝’,‘饱’,‘裸’,‘曝尸’,


Tuesday, December 1, 2020








平地无有五谷种 = 荒

谨防四野绝人烟 = 漠


‘行善之人得一见’, 在上句‘若问瘟疫何时现’的‘现’,拿去‘见’剩一个‘王’字。


作恶之人不得观 = 蒙

世上有人行大善 = 德

免遭此劫不上算 = 亏,蚀,损

但世上没有‘蒙德亏’,‘蒙德蚀’ 或 ‘蒙德损’的王朝。无解。


作恶之人不得观 = 蔽
