Sunday, April 26, 2020

Stiff Right Thumb

If you have a stiff right thumb, try listening to this,

Aflatoxin HC 438-74 Hz

twenty minutes or so.  You should be able to flex your thumb without the clicking sound.

Here are the rest of the frequencies for aflatoxin,

Aflatoxin 344 Hz
Aflatoxin 474 Hz
Aflatoxin 476 Hz
Aflatoxin 510 Hz
Aflatoxin 568 Hz
Aflatoxin 943 Hz
Aflatoxin HC 466-01 Hz
Aflatoxin HC 8812-31 Hz
Aflatoxin HC 9359-97 Hz

Do not play 474, 476 and 466.01 Hz together.  They form a low beat frequency.  Only one of them at a time.  And for good measure,

Influenzum toxicum 854 Hz

Been drinking water everyday, where did these toxins come from?