If you have a stiff right thumb, try listening to this,
Aflatoxin HC 438-74 Hz
twenty minutes or so. You should be able to flex your thumb without the clicking sound.
Here are the rest of the frequencies for aflatoxin,
Aflatoxin 344 Hz
Aflatoxin 474 Hz
Aflatoxin 476 Hz
Aflatoxin 510 Hz
Aflatoxin 568 Hz
Aflatoxin 943 Hz
Aflatoxin HC 466-01 Hz
Aflatoxin HC 8812-31 Hz
Aflatoxin HC 9359-97 Hz
Do not play 474, 476 and 466.01 Hz together. They form a low beat frequency. Only one of them at a time. And for good measure,
Influenzum toxicum 854 Hz
Been drinking water everyday, where did these toxins come from?
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Just keep listening
Hundreds of years later, when the English language becomes cryptic, and someone digs up this blog from some antiquated archive might ask of the previous post,
"What Cucumber? Thick ones or thin ones?"
Just keep listening...
"What Cucumber? Thick ones or thin ones?"
Just keep listening...
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
What Cucumber?
If you wish to slim, this is one formula,
cucumber + coronavirus Rife frequencies 309.9 Hz, 1217.5 Hz and 1369.6 Hz
1~2 inches of cucumber, washed, sliced and raw, eaten at each meal. The frequencies are here coronavirus SARS 309-9_1217-5_1369-6 Hz
You can create the frequencies as mp3 using the program "Audacity", using Generate->(enter frequency), OK, File->Export, (enter file name), OK, Enter, OK.
As individual frequencies,
Coronavirus SARS 309-9 Hz
Coronavirus SARS 1217-5 Hz
Coronavirus SARS 1369-6 Hz
Use the frequencies by listening to it, daah. Use the VLC player. Change the preference to launch more than once instance at a time, so that all the frequencies can be played together, and loop the playering so that they play continuously for more than an hour.
This another set of coronavirus frequencies,
Coronaviridae Infections 182-5 Hz
Coronaviridae Infections 435-29 Hz
Coronaviridae Infections 562-5 Hz
Coronaviridae Infections 793-5 Hz
Coronaviridae Infections 995-75 Hz
You can download the files by left-clicking on the link, and click on the download icon on the top right of the resulting page.
Have a nice day,
cucumber + coronavirus Rife frequencies 309.9 Hz, 1217.5 Hz and 1369.6 Hz
1~2 inches of cucumber, washed, sliced and raw, eaten at each meal. The frequencies are here coronavirus SARS 309-9_1217-5_1369-6 Hz
You can create the frequencies as mp3 using the program "Audacity", using Generate->(enter frequency), OK, File->Export, (enter file name), OK, Enter, OK.
As individual frequencies,
Coronavirus SARS 309-9 Hz
Coronavirus SARS 1217-5 Hz
Coronavirus SARS 1369-6 Hz
Use the frequencies by listening to it, daah. Use the VLC player. Change the preference to launch more than once instance at a time, so that all the frequencies can be played together, and loop the playering so that they play continuously for more than an hour.
This another set of coronavirus frequencies,
Coronaviridae Infections 182-5 Hz
Coronaviridae Infections 435-29 Hz
Coronaviridae Infections 562-5 Hz
Coronaviridae Infections 793-5 Hz
Coronaviridae Infections 995-75 Hz
You can download the files by left-clicking on the link, and click on the download icon on the top right of the resulting page.
Have a nice day,
Sunday, April 19, 2020
大多人会自认是 “奔波之人”, 但 “沉迷之人” 的成分也不少。从沉沦嗜乐,禮樂喪失变得 “百事奸貪,并無法紀”,结果人文尽灭,衣食不常,没有时季观念,再退化成 “如狗”。。。到此是结束灭亡,不是循环。 直至 “三元會辰,再生聖人” 才 “上上元甲子複來” 周而複始,循环不息。
完全被动! 紫微降生也无能为力,逆此天运;灭族灭种。
大多人会自认是 “奔波之人”, 但 “沉迷之人” 的成分也不少。从沉沦嗜乐,禮樂喪失变得 “百事奸貪,并無法紀”,结果人文尽灭,衣食不常,没有时季观念,再退化成 “如狗”。。。到此是结束灭亡,不是循环。 直至 “三元會辰,再生聖人” 才 “上上元甲子複來” 周而複始,循环不息。
完全被动! 紫微降生也无能为力,逆此天运;灭族灭种。
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Saturday, April 11, 2020
也许,不是这时候,不是这地方,不是这场瘟疫。。。但,文里很确切 “烏梅可解”。 (Prunus mume)。 是酸的还是甜的呀?
赤地沖天 把“赤”字拆开
地鳴山崩 “地”是土, “地鸣” 土 里有个口,是“亮”字
牛生兩尾 “山崩”,“山”字倒斜,“生兩尾”,是“兴”字
日月并行 月往东行,在早上“日月并行”在东方,是“东”字
木上挂曲尺 是“朵”字,耳朵+东=“陈”,也可以是“阜”,也就是“阝”。
所以 “紫微降生” 是“陈兴亮”。是乌梅吃多了, 酸死了的“陈兴亮”。
“先有五瘟使者應此劫數”, 紫微降生乃劫。
“尔” 二丁运马,首当先。
“石人二眼,二人二足” “硚”,制兵于四川,打得可真远。忍!忍!忍
也许,不是这时候,不是这地方,不是这场瘟疫。。。但,文里很确切 “烏梅可解”。 (Prunus mume)。 是酸的还是甜的呀?
赤地沖天 把“赤”字拆开
地鳴山崩 “地”是土, “地鸣” 土 里有个口,是“亮”字
牛生兩尾 “山崩”,“山”字倒斜,“生兩尾”,是“兴”字
日月并行 月往东行,在早上“日月并行”在东方,是“东”字
木上挂曲尺 是“朵”字,耳朵+东=“陈”,也可以是“阜”,也就是“阝”。
所以 “紫微降生” 是“陈兴亮”。是乌梅吃多了, 酸死了的“陈兴亮”。
“先有五瘟使者應此劫數”, 紫微降生乃劫。
“尔” 二丁运马,首当先。
“石人二眼,二人二足” “硚”,制兵于四川,打得可真远。忍!忍!忍
Brain Dead Finally
Disinfect home and work place.
Wear a mask in public.
Don't crowd.
Suck on herbal sweets or lozenges. Read this https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15889535 or this https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/095632020501600205. Not too often, as long as you have the taste in your mouth, it is OK.
Refrain from touching anything in public.
Wash your hands the first thing you reach home or work place.
Get SARS - CoV-2 (CoVID-19) tested if you have to work with others.
If you are on the essential services list get your staff tested and start work.
Homes and work place should be well ventilated, do not close up entrances and exits that creates pockets of still air.
If you need a brain dead to give you SARS advice...
Wear a mask in public.
Don't crowd.
Suck on herbal sweets or lozenges. Read this https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15889535 or this https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/095632020501600205. Not too often, as long as you have the taste in your mouth, it is OK.
Refrain from touching anything in public.
Wash your hands the first thing you reach home or work place.
Get SARS - CoV-2 (CoVID-19) tested if you have to work with others.
If you are on the essential services list get your staff tested and start work.
Homes and work place should be well ventilated, do not close up entrances and exits that creates pockets of still air.
If you need a brain dead to give you SARS advice...