Saturday, December 7, 2019

Cosinusoidal Time

Consider the three time dimension spinning about the three space dimension,

The direction perpendicular to the \(t_c\) plane is the direction along that space dimension, \(x_c\).  The expression for time along this axis is,

\(t_{\small{axis}}=-t_T sin \theta+t_g cos \theta=t(cos \theta-sin\theta)\)


where we assume \(t_c=t_g=t_T=t\), that time is undifferentiated.

Is this formulation consistent with "the universe is a time particle" view; that a circular time wave passes through Earth at light speed, centered at the center of the universe?

Can the \(\sqrt{2}\) factor and the phase \(\small{\cfrac{\pi}{4}}\) be verified?  What is the significance of these factors?