Sunday, December 8, 2019

Ring, Ring, I am There

Stating the obvious,

a Christmas wish for a dialed portal.

Lights in a jar
in remembrance of one
who advocates love
in an age of violence
when blood-lust was joy

Sparkles in a glass
in his eminence
by our hands abundance be
providence for us to give
love and care to share

Enlightenment in our hearts
darkness and shadows be gone
and forgiven
gentle and mercy to disarm
lawful be righteous and fair

Brightness aloft
our paths be guided
through trials and tribulations
resilience in failures
resolute in mis-course

                                 Merry Christmas...

                                《Christmas 2019》

Pushing Sideways

Remember the pair of magnets that went sideways,

the force that pushes the magnets sideways must be due to the interactions of field lines perpendicular to the direction of attraction.  One possibility is,

where at the ends of the magnets, the domains reversed and the field lines on one side run parallel to the end surface.  The interactions of these field lines push the the magnets sideways.  The diagram on the right shows a more definitive way to make such magnets.  These are,

electromagnetic version of the same, where strong parallel field lines at the end of the them create a strong push side-way in a stater-rotor configuration.

Just thinking out loud.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Cosinusoidal Time

Consider the three time dimension spinning about the three space dimension,

The direction perpendicular to the \(t_c\) plane is the direction along that space dimension, \(x_c\).  The expression for time along this axis is,

\(t_{\small{axis}}=-t_T sin \theta+t_g cos \theta=t(cos \theta-sin\theta)\)


where we assume \(t_c=t_g=t_T=t\), that time is undifferentiated.

Is this formulation consistent with "the universe is a time particle" view; that a circular time wave passes through Earth at light speed, centered at the center of the universe?

Can the \(\sqrt{2}\) factor and the phase \(\small{\cfrac{\pi}{4}}\) be verified?  What is the significance of these factors?

If The Universe Is A Time Particle

If the universe is a time particle,

then a time wave around the center of the universe passes by Earth and imparts time onto the planet.  A distorted particle in the path of such a wave travels through time.  \

How do construct such a particle and be in such a particle to travel through time?

Since photons have been purported to be a wave with two orthogonal time component, spinning photons may just create a time field,

A distortion in this field can be introduced by displacing the light tube slightly,

Aligned in the direction of the time wave, it is then possible to move back and forth through time.

Yes, you sit inside the spinning tubes...

Fuel-less Jet Engine

A nightmare for some,

no fuel required at \(v_boom\), air (\(N_2\)).

Consistence About A Hartree

Hartree energy is defined as


From the post "Looking for Murder" dated 13 Oct 2018 it was proposed that,

\(R_H=\cfrac{1}{2\pi a_{\psi\,c}}\)

where \(R_H\) is the Rydberg constant


\(E_H=2*\cfrac{hc}{2\pi a_{\psi\,c}}\)


\(f=\cfrac{c}{\lambda_{\psi\,c}}=\cfrac{c}{2\pi a_{\psi\,c}}\)


\(\lambda_{\psi\,c}=2\pi a_{\psi\,c}\)

we have,

\(E_H=2*hf_{\psi\,c}\) --- (*)

which only confirms that the prposed definition for \(R_H\) in the post "Looking for Murder" dated 13 Oct 2018 is dimensionally correct.

In the definition for Harttree Energy, this energy is approximately the electric potential energy of the hydrogen atom in its ground state and, by the virial theorem, approximately twice its ionization energy; the relationships are not exact because of the finite mass of the nucleus of the hydrogen atom and relativistic corrections. 

\(a_{\psi}=14.77\,nm\) is a particle defined by \(\psi\) in circular motion; Hartree Energy sees an electron in orbit around a hydrogen nucleus.

This contention is not new and has been resolved by thinking that the electron is a wave going in orbit.

The posts presented here however, takes the view that the electron is made up of a \(\psi\) wave warped around a sphere.  A \(\psi\) wave in circular motion.  Enegry changes of this wave result in the spectral lines.  The electron need not be in orbit around the hydrogen nucleus.

The size of a hydrogen atom is in the range of \(\times 10^{-15}\) meters, \(fm\),
but a consistent \(a_{\psi\,c}\), according to (*) is in the range of tenth of \(\times 10^{-9}\).

An electron at \(a_{\psi\,c}\) from the hydrogen nucleus cannot be at the ground state.

A particle, however, can have a force field around it up to \(\times10^{-9}\) meters.

Good night...

For Completeness Sake, Freaking Out

From the post "What If The Particles Are Photons?" dated 12 Dec 2017,


we can have,



what is \(w\)?  to realize such a 3D confinement portal.  It is hoped that with

\(w\gt842.21\,Hz\) and

\(w\) being prime, we may have a prime dialed portal to walk into and walk out.

Just science friction.

Don't Freak Out

Yet another the post "Freaking Out Entanglement" dated 14 Dec 2017,


should be


\(f=\cfrac{4*8^3}{18}\pi^3=3527.83  Hz\)  Very dangerous!  Do not look into the light, at all.  No                                                                              exposure in anyway.


\(f=64*\pi=201.06\,Hz\) is wrong!


To Clear Things Up

I have made a mistake in the post "I Don't Know..." dated 12 Dec 2017, in the expression


It should be


where the \(RHS\) is divided by a spherical volume to obtain energy per unit volume.  The expression leads to,

\(f=\cfrac{4*8^3}{3*18}\pi^3=1175.94 Hz\)

The previous result,


is not valid.
