Friday, September 28, 2018

Cancer Response

If a carcinogen is introduced into the eye to induce melanoma before the germ targeted for vaccine research is introduced, then the vaccine so obtained will also contain the cancer response as well as the immune response. 

The germs infect the melanoma cells and since the cancer cells are not fully developed to defend themselves, the infection become persistent.  The rest of the body defenses go into overdrive to fight the infection and this immune response is amplified to obtain a vaccine for the disease.

The carcinogen is not cancer.  A response to the carcinogen creates cancer cells.  Can this response be transplanted just as an immune response is triggered as the result of vaccination.

Does this cancer response trigger cancer without the presence of an carcinogen?

Does such a cancer response even exist?

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Pop And Shine

This is the case where after a collision, a particle of high energy state \(n\gt1\) is created, that transit to the lowest energy state, \(n=1\),

with the emission of a photon.  This allows for radiations, in addition to particle creation, in the process of particle decomposition.

At this point there seems to be no simple formulation for,

      f@>{\text{collision Xform}}>>f_0+f_1+f_2+...

Good night

Banging Particles

The idea is simple two particles defined by \(freq=f\) collide and decompose into a set of \(f_n\) where \(n=0,1,2...\)

It would just be like Fourier Transformation where energy is conserved, ie the square of the coefficients of the decomposed series sums to the total energy on the left hand side.

We know from \(E=hf\),


where by symmetry both particles decompose in a similar manner,


assuming that no energy is lost as a result of the collision that decompose the particles.

We know from Fourier Transform that, when



\(\hat{f}(\omega)=\sqrt{2\pi}.\cfrac{\delta(\omega-a)-\delta(\omega+a)}{2i}\).  The sum of the square of the coefficients of the series,


where both components at \(-a\) and \(a\) are considered.  And we retain the negative sign without reasoning that energy must be positive and so only the absolute value is considered.  Since, within the particle \(f(x)\) is in a circular motion, we apply a factor \(2\pi\),


Because we considered both positive and negative frequency, we have split the energy between the two frequency components and have half the energy each.  We will just keep this in mind.

We are trying to formulate,

      f@>{\text{collision Xform}}>>f_0+f_1+f_2+...

where a type of particle decomposes into component particles after a collision with a similar type of particle.

til' next time...

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Prelude To Fourier Decomposition

Drinking turmeric boiled in a metal pot or kettle will give you backaches, kidney problems and white hair.  Don't.  Use a earthen, clay pot instead.  Scalding turmeric powder with hot milk coffee in a porcelain cup will work too.

Good afternoon.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Hold Your Horses

If passing by a black hole surrounded by super-cooled water, Earth loads up on ice that subsequently melts and generates the great floods; in another perspective, this is the way Earth reloads on water.

The flood water eventually evaporates away and expose habitable land.

Water is constantly evaporating away into space.  Avoiding a collision with the super-cooled water sphere around the black hole, spares Earth from an Ice age but leaves it short of water.

In the future, Earth might dry up, as water is constantly evaporating away into space, before we meet with the black hole again along Earth's orbit in precession around the Sun.

We have to replenish water on earth in a controlled manner.  Prompting the black hole into a Sun is unwise, because as a black hole it is Earth's source of water.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Emptiness After...

Cont'd from the previous post "Doing Things In The Cold" dated 12 Sep 2018, as we calculate boom \(T_{boom}\) and \(T_{p}\) temperature values for iron within a volume of ferrosilicon \(Si\,35\%\);




\(T_{boom}=587.45^2*\cfrac{55.845*10^{-3}}{3*8.3144}=772.64\,K\) or \(499.49\,^oC\)

as iron molar mass is \(55.854\,gmol^{-1}\).

\(T_{p}=587.45^2*\cfrac{55.845*10^{-3}}{2*8.3144}=1158.96\,K\) or \(885.81\,^oC\)

And we have two empty numbers staring back at you.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Doing Things In The Cold

For Ferrosilicon with \(35\%\) \(Si\) by weight, we adjust the density value by,


 This is the density of \(Si\) alone, in a volume of ferrosilicon, \(Si\,35\%\).



\(T_{boom}=295.44^2*\cfrac{28.085*10^{-3}}{3*8.3144}=98.281\,K\)  or \(-174.87\,^oC\)

\(T_{p}=295.44^2*\cfrac{28.085*10^{-3}}{2*8.3144}=147.41\,K\)  or \(-125.74\,^oC\)

It would be interesting when ferrosilicon \(Si\,\,35\%\) is subjected to these temperatures.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Diamond Iron, Quartz Iron And Diamond Steel, Quartz Steel

Alloy is confusing.  Why would Ferrosilicon have one molecular weight (\(28.0855\,g\,mol^{-1}\)) value but various density values (\(7.87\,\sim\,3.44\,g\,mol^{-1}\)) each for a different silicon (\(Si\)) content?

Why would the alloy have a molecular formula?

If iron also forms an alloy with carbon, maybe annealing carbon alone (ie \(Z=6,\,m_a=12.0107\,g\,mol^{-1}\)) in the mixture of density that varies with the percentage content of carbon, will form a new "diamond-iron" solid.

In the case above, we would use instead \(SiO_2\) and iron to obtain a "quartz-iron" solid.

What are the values of \(T_{boom}\)s and \(T_{p}\)s?

Why stop there; subject the solids to annealing temperatures with the appropriate additives and make steels; "diamond-steel" and "quartz steel".

Data crunched...