Friday, May 18, 2018

Running High

The problem is, \(T_a\) changes constantly with the application of \(T_{ex}\),

In retrospect, the same happens in electrolysis where the electrolyte gets charged.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

"Thermode" Are Hot And Cold Rod

Just as charges provide by the each electrode enable a redox half reaction,

temperature particles provided by each "thermode", one at each end of a temperature gradient established using a heating element, enable the chemical reaction hindered by a discrepancy in temperature charge.

The barrier prevents the resulting compounds from migrating to the opposite electrode/thermode and react in reverse.

In this case, the relative cold and hot end of the temperature gradient overcomes the energy level difference in the temperature particle clouds of the participating reagents and drive the chemical reaction in one direction.

The existence of temperature particles opens up a new possibility of temperature charge circuitry operating in an insulated thermostat confinement of constant temperature.

It is a hot day...

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Enough Already?

Does the the accumulation of negative charge below zero charge temperature and the accumulation of positive charge above zero charge temperature cancels and give a reduced charge difference that do not cancels the energy level difference totally between temperature charge clouds (in an aqueous medium)?

Yes and no.

It is the amount of \(\psi\) provided via the temperature difference that cancels the energy level difference between temperature charge clouds between the reagent.  Negative charge are smaller and provide less \(\psi\) per particle, their polarity does not negate the presence of positive charges when they mix and coalesce.  \(\psi_{c}\) coalesce with a positive charge to result in a bigger positive charge with a higher amount of \(\psi\) embodied in a single particle.

In the range of temperature below zero charge temperature, since we are dealing with smaller negative charge, \(T_{ex}\) has to increase to provide the same amount of \(\psi\).

A body of \(\psi\) behave as a single particle.  An increasing embodiment of negative charges each remaining distinct as a particle increases the negative potential.  In this way, a body can be brought to a high negative potential.

Temperature \(\psi\) moves freely as we are in an environment of higher temperature potential; electric charge tends to distill into particles because we are in an environment of normally low electric potential.  Temperature behaves more like waves.

Have a nice day.

Note:  That would mean at high enough positive electric potential, positive charges can break into smaller negative charges and so switches the electric potential to negative.   And at high enough negative potential where the negative charges are pressed to coalesce, they merge into large positive particles and switches back to positive electric potential.  So, a large embodiment of charges fed with \(\psi\) (via a bombardment of basic particles) is naturally oscillatory.  Such an oscillatory system will emit EMWs and photons.

Too much of anything is a bad thing.

Scales and Feathers

Why does water at \(4^oC\) has the lowest density?  Temperature particle at close proximity interact as waves and attract each other, at \(4^oC\), the effective/resultant temperature charge in the containment of water is zero, the water molecules are not pulled together, they extend the furthest volume and so has the least density.  At temperature below \(4^oC\), negative temperature charge interacting as waves pull the molecules closer; at temperature above \(4^oC\), positive temperature charge also interacting as waves pull the molecules closer.  In both cases, the volume decreases and density increases.

If this is so, and...

if we have an analogous electric scale (not necessarily the voltage measure) which measures the amount of electric charge \(x_{T}\) in a containment, by varying this value we may have the equivalent of thermal expansion and consequently density changes due to the electric charge.

As thermal expansion and contraction are readily observable but not electric expansion and contraction, it may suggests that the outermost layer of an atom is positive temperature particles that acquire loosely held negative temperature particles.  This positive temperature particle layer is attracted to the electrons in orbits.

The interaction between atoms however, occurs at the lower layer just below the temperature particles where protons in paired orbits hold electrons in various modes (as illustrated in the posts "Just Rolling Along...Conducting Electricity" and "Rolling Inside" both dated 03 May 2016).

The cases of water and benzene, it is the layer of temperature particles below the electric charge layer that raise to prominent outside of the paired orbits as charged clouds that interacts with temperature particles in the environment directly.  These temperature charged clouds are orientated perpendicular to the plane of the paired orbits.  They effect physical properties such as density, thermal conductivity, thermal capacity, latent heat...etc, directly.

The resultant charge of the containment at various temperature depends on the constituent.  Water given the size of its temperature clouds has the lowest density at \(4^oC\).  A mixture of water and benzene has the lowest density at \(-22^oC\). 

\(T_{ex}\) from the post "Benzene Continued" dated 24 Apr 2018, is obtained by observing the volume of a mixture of reagent (in molar portion as dictated by the desired reaction equation).  It is the temperature at which the mixture expand greatly as temperature is lowered.  It was proposed that at this temperature, the charge on the temperature cloud is neutralized.

But the reagents are further apart with the observed increase in volume, why would a temperature difference between the reagents at \(T_{ex}\) prompt a chemical reaction that would otherwise requires high temperature and pressure?

The reagents are furthest apart at the temperature \(T_{ex}\), however, at the temperature DIFFERENCE of \(T_{ex}\) between the reagents, the energy difference between temperature clouds that have to merge in the resultant compound, which is the barrier to chemical reaction proposed here, is zero.

Should \(T_{ex}\) take reference with \(4^oC\), the temperature at which water, the aqueous medium in which the reaction take place is temperature charge neutral?  That one reagent is held at \(4^oC\) and the other reagent is at \(T_{ex}\) above (when its temperature cloud is larger) or below (when its temperature cloud is smaller) \(4^oC\).

\(T_{ex}\) alone, seem arbitrary.  Does a temperature difference of \(T_{ex}\) always contain the right amount of temperature charges to negate the energy level difference between the temperature clouds?

What happens when the reagents are not in an aqueous medium? 

What happens when \(T_{ex}\) spreads over a region where either reagent has an effective zero temperature charge when pure?  Does a mixture of positive and negative charges also negate the energy difference between temperature clouds?

Have a nice day.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Innate Hot And Cold, Latent

If two reagents mixed at the same temperature do not react, but when mixed at a temperature difference of \(T_{ex}\) reacted and turned dark blue,

we have canceled the temperature charge difference between the two reagents, and have also negated any heat change as the reaction proceeds.

It is providing the heat required first when the reaction is endothermic or removing heat first when the reaction is exothermic, so that the reaction can proceed without hindrance and without further energy change.

 Here lies the problem;  like electrical charges within a dielectric as it aligns when a capacitor is charged, the temperature charges within the temperature charge clouds of the resulting compounds do not increase the temperature potential of the containment linearly, correspondingly.  The reaction has an imbalance of energy (negative or positive) that was accounted for using latent energy when a significant amount shows up.  But where is this latent energy without a temperature charge cloud?

Furthermore, when the temperature charge clouds rearrange themselves as the molecules move, temperature changes and so does the thermal energy content of this containment of molecules.

So, if a reaction is difficult under normal conditions, try changing the relative temperatures of the reagents.  Reagents with a larger temperature charge clouds have lower temperature and will have to increase in temperature to match energy levels with reagents that have smaller temperature charge clouds.  And conversely, cool the reagents with smaller temperature clouds.

Have a nice day...