Saturday, September 23, 2017

Guns With No Recoil

Some have a head start on this...

From the post "Seven Up!" dated 12 May 2016, metal crystals are made by removing charges from the lattice as the metal cools.

From the post "Squeeze Laser" dated 28 Jul 2015, at \(\theta=45^{o}\) all energy input is stored with no emissions; upon a squeeze, at \(\theta=43.535^{o}\), an emission of maximum intensity along the direction of exertion.  Such a squeeze is possibly by an electric potential on the crystal or with the correct crystal, by physical force.

From Maxwell's understanding of photons and electromagnetic waves, it may be possible to input energy in electromagnetic form (instead of photons) and cause an electromagnetic pulse when the system is squeezed.

Please be very careful.