Saturday, December 31, 2016

Skin Diseases, Brain Trauma And Mind Control

Another way such agent actually "prescribe" mind control drugs to you is first to give you a skin disease.

A liquid contaminated with a protozoan or other parasites, a virus with a necrotizing bacteria that eats into you skin and introduce the virus infection, is poured onto your back or the back of you neck.  If you are unable to wash it off immediately, the disease takes root.  Then a doctor or TCM practitioner recommended by a "concerned" friend, relatives, an acquaintance or a shop assistant does more damage.

The doctor first implant rapport by giving you a drugged drink, through the nurse or the receptionist that causes fear and anxiety.  When the "love" drug takes hold and you feel anxious and unstable, the doctor comes forward to console you, the result of which is that you "fall in love" with him.  This drug is derived from the thorns from cactus or roses.  (I received one of this at the dentist, given to me by the dental assistance.)

The doctor, with placebos and contraindicated drugs that cause severe itching in patients with skin diseases, exacerbates the conditions.  He uses placebos and fall short of not giving the proper medications at all because on record he must be seen as providing proper treatment.  With your agreement that the itching is unbearable, that you need drugs to sleep, you are given mind control psychotic drugs.

You are caged.

At this point, they might decide against killing you as the drugs crush you into their full control.  A overdose of botulism injected and the rabies virus to cause a fear for water, hydrophobia, then an induced high fever together with a prescribed cold bath induces trauma.  The person is sprayed with freezing cold water.  It is just sadistic torture done on children, to induce brain trauma that opens the mind up to mind control later in life.  A key phrase spoken, the mere sight of "protected" persons lockups the mind and the person freezes.  Only with the release word(s) does the person recovers.  In between you are bombarded with hypnotic suggestions and commands that run you life for you.

I know, I know up close and personal...

Drowning while drugged, waterboarding as it is called is a very common way to induce brain trauma.

This is what happens when clandestine mind control methods spread into the hands of rogue governments, small kingdoms, and the mafias and indigenous gangs.  And when countries realise that their rich, academics, researchers and business decisions makers are so targeted, it is tit-for-tat and all hell break lose.

Happy New Year again...

Note:  Check the names of the medications on the web and read about what they are normally prescribed for.  Know the difference in packings for placebos and fake medications.  Check the bottles for tempering, for example if you see a white residue powder at the bottom of the bottle but the pill is of a different color, blue, your pills have been swapped.  You are probably given something contraindicated.

Check the names of the doctor and try to locate him on the web, if you find more than one person with the same name at two or more different locations, investigate further.  One of them could be an imposter.

Self-medicate given the wealth of information on the web is less dangerous.

Unless you have lived in the wild picking leaves, roots and mushrooms, I would advise against harvesting herbs from the local flora.  Herbivore you are not.

Most importantly resolve the issues that make you a target.  Otherwise, call your armada, earth will experience its first star war!