Saturday, December 31, 2016

Now who, that proposes to run my life want my blog updated?

Not Forgetting The Devil's Breath

I missed out Hyoscine also know as scopolamine administered via a small pin worn as a ring, kept on the inside of the palm.  A pad on the shoulders,  a pad on the back, to catch you by the elbow is all it takes to introduce the drug.  A small prick from the pin on that ring is all that you feel as you fall under the control of this drug.

It works better if you are first subjected to harassment, and is mentally weak.  Behavioural changes afterwards are very common among children exposed to this drug, the Devil's Breath.

Do I have enough justifications?  Not quite...

Afternotes, Shreds of Memory

A hard kill as opposed to a soft kill is, to turn off the lightings to the path where I jog and two motorized skateboards with steering come charging from behind with armed assailants wearing night vision goggles.  Small arms with a silencer.

Try again, a bazooka...

And again, gas, area wide coverage...
(This time, one of them stood confront and asked hypothetically "You think we wouldn't use gas?"  I said "Thank you." and passed him leeway, I wonder what happened to him.  There were rumors of mass suicide to demonstrate loyalty for a recently deceased king.)

And again...  And again...

Skin Diseases, Brain Trauma And Mind Control

Another way such agent actually "prescribe" mind control drugs to you is first to give you a skin disease.

A liquid contaminated with a protozoan or other parasites, a virus with a necrotizing bacteria that eats into you skin and introduce the virus infection, is poured onto your back or the back of you neck.  If you are unable to wash it off immediately, the disease takes root.  Then a doctor or TCM practitioner recommended by a "concerned" friend, relatives, an acquaintance or a shop assistant does more damage.

The doctor first implant rapport by giving you a drugged drink, through the nurse or the receptionist that causes fear and anxiety.  When the "love" drug takes hold and you feel anxious and unstable, the doctor comes forward to console you, the result of which is that you "fall in love" with him.  This drug is derived from the thorns from cactus or roses.  (I received one of this at the dentist, given to me by the dental assistance.)

The doctor, with placebos and contraindicated drugs that cause severe itching in patients with skin diseases, exacerbates the conditions.  He uses placebos and fall short of not giving the proper medications at all because on record he must be seen as providing proper treatment.  With your agreement that the itching is unbearable, that you need drugs to sleep, you are given mind control psychotic drugs.

You are caged.

At this point, they might decide against killing you as the drugs crush you into their full control.  A overdose of botulism injected and the rabies virus to cause a fear for water, hydrophobia, then an induced high fever together with a prescribed cold bath induces trauma.  The person is sprayed with freezing cold water.  It is just sadistic torture done on children, to induce brain trauma that opens the mind up to mind control later in life.  A key phrase spoken, the mere sight of "protected" persons lockups the mind and the person freezes.  Only with the release word(s) does the person recovers.  In between you are bombarded with hypnotic suggestions and commands that run you life for you.

I know, I know up close and personal...

Drowning while drugged, waterboarding as it is called is a very common way to induce brain trauma.

This is what happens when clandestine mind control methods spread into the hands of rogue governments, small kingdoms, and the mafias and indigenous gangs.  And when countries realise that their rich, academics, researchers and business decisions makers are so targeted, it is tit-for-tat and all hell break lose.

Happy New Year again...

Note:  Check the names of the medications on the web and read about what they are normally prescribed for.  Know the difference in packings for placebos and fake medications.  Check the bottles for tempering, for example if you see a white residue powder at the bottom of the bottle but the pill is of a different color, blue, your pills have been swapped.  You are probably given something contraindicated.

Check the names of the doctor and try to locate him on the web, if you find more than one person with the same name at two or more different locations, investigate further.  One of them could be an imposter.

Self-medicate given the wealth of information on the web is less dangerous.

Unless you have lived in the wild picking leaves, roots and mushrooms, I would advise against harvesting herbs from the local flora.  Herbivore you are not.

Most importantly resolve the issues that make you a target.  Otherwise, call your armada, earth will experience its first star war!

The Prince, Feared Or Loved?

Niccolò Machiavelli was Mona Lisa.  He dressed up as a woman to escape his pursuers, his friend was so impressed with him dressed up as a woman, he got him to dress up as a woman again and made a portrait.

Things happen during the Renaissance...

Botulism, Harassment, Murder And Mind Control

There is more than just botulism toxin dripped onto the back of your neck, it is orchestrated with consistent harassment.  If you stay in a flat, such agents will first create some pretexts and visit your flat to make a layout of your living space, then comes the incessant knocking on your ceiling.  They might even install video surveillance to track your movement in the flat to make sure that the knocking is always above you.   To add to the noise, the agents removes filters from your water drainage pipes so that the water drains loudly, and remove anti-knocking devices from water pipes around your flat so that they knock every time they turn the tap on then off.

A common pretext that is often used to gain access into your flat is to drop a piece of clothing from above your flat and wish to recover it, or to inspect for mosquitoes, or to check for gas leaks, or to check for faulty electrical wirings.  There can be many scenarios created as the imagination is capable of.

All  these are done to induce a state of anxiety in the target; the first step towards a mental breakdown and, as these agent would wish, a first step towards suicide.  It is not suicide but murder!

They test your mental state by shouting and making loud noise in your presence.  If you get startled easily, they have the feedback they needed...They would start an argument with you as you queue in the supermarket, knocking into you as you jog, as you walk, pretend to slip and spill food or water onto you when you dine outside, to gauge your mental state.

Workplace harassment is also part of the repertoire.  Agents installed at the workplace as contractors, uncooperative subordinates or contract workers, a student or parents of a student if you lecture and teach, a teacher that swap pages of your test answer sheets if you are a student, bullying by a fellow student, usually much older and way out of place, all these to continue with the harassment after you leave the flat.

If you live in a landed property, knocking comes next door and from bogus construction work just outside, on the street.

In particular, the agents swapped both the water and gas meters and install them at a nearby food stall in a hawker center, so that the utility bills explodes.

Swapping your medications or wrong medications in dosage or type is a common tactic to weaken the targets.  They do not kill with outright poisoning other than an induced stroke.  A soft kill is not ostentatious.  A soft kill is another unfortunate statistic that adds to the annual death rate and not the murdered count.  In particular, the one who ordered such agents might wish for one up on the annual suicide count.

They frame you for shoplifting by placing small items into your handbag and carrier from behind.  These sometimes involve agents pretending to be the enforcements or are actually with the police.  It was interesting to track where this path along the legal trail might lead...

My mind drifts to Nicholas Tesla in his final days.  He booked into a motel to get some rest because there were too much noise where he used to stay...

A concerted effort by an experienced team to commit murder.  The murdered targets can be schooling children, teenager, working adults and old persons.  It is unscrupulous in the first place to commit murder and they do get away with murders; it is not surprising that schooling children can be the targets.

I have seen enough to identify members of the team and pick out those in the know of such undertakings.  I know them.  This kill technique so common, it has a colloquial name "ghosts knock on the wall"; 鬼敲墙!

Happy holidays...

Note:  Personal note, Chinatown, 1987;  Hong Lim, 1988

Happy New Year 2017

And that's was the last year of peace in this region...

War! War! War!

Hey, I am not wishing for war.  I just know...

Thursday, December 29, 2016

And so I ate some luncheon meat?  What mind control?  I will start your fire.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Temperature Particles Found

A cold spoon sticks to the bottom of a boiling pot.  It does not matter what material the spoon is made of, plastic, steel or porcelain, a force pulls on the spoon at the bottom of a metal pot with boiling water, over a stove.

Negative temperature particles on the cold spoon attract positive temperature particles on the boiling pot.

Try it; from that part in all of us, part Greek.

Note:  Hot pot, cold spoon.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Odd Give, Even Give Unequally...

It is interesting that,






that odd and even numbers do not contribute equally to \(\sum^{\infty}_1{\cfrac{1}{n^2}}\)


Odd number contributes three times more than even numbers.
