Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Of Dragon's And Mon's


"re" is " 鲁",

"pu" is "国",


"lic" is "历", in Cantonese.

But I have also come to know that,

"weapon" is "尾巴" in Mandarin.

Given the first two above,

"weapon" is "武功" in Cantonese.

this means it is possible to convert Cantonese to Mandarin by notching out certain frequencies or shifting frequencies in Cantonese.

Cantonese and Mandarin is the same language.  Physiological and possibly anatomical differences between the ancient species that spoke them, heard the languages differently and so sound them off differently.

Have a nice day.

Note:  Plato's Republic and 孔子 - 鲁国历 penned by 乐欬 (ngok6 koi3), if "Plato" is Cantonese in ancient phonetics with "pla" pronounced as "glo" and "to" pronounced as "ko".  卜商 is also possible but unlikely because the "n" sound is missing.

高柴! gou1 caai2 where "p" is a "g", "a" is a "o" as above and "t" is a "j".