Sunday, February 1, 2015

Pure Time Waves, Space-Time Parallel World

On the collision of like 2D particles (ie, particles that oscillates in 2 space dimensions), perpendicularly,

if the interpretation of Philadelphia Experiment is correct, that orthogonal time dimensions can be rotated into each other and that the particle acquires the property of the time axis at the rotated orientation, then the collision will also create a pure time wave.  This time wave is oscillating in 2 time dimensions and travelling at \(v=c\), along the third time dimension.

This wave is the mechanical wave equivalent in a 3D time existence, where all three time dimensions uncoil and space is coiled along each straight time axes.  Time is at a stand still but space is at previously, time speed.  This is an indication of a space-time duality; a parallel world where space is time and time is space.