Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Plenty Of Problems...

But ask the right question.

For example, when time unfolds and space curls into a helix, time curls back from in front, if at all time the direction of the space dimension and the direction of the time dimension are consistent relative to each other and that we have no discontinuity and sudden reversal of direction, we have instead the left hand screw rule, time wraps around the positive direction of space in anti-clockwise manner from a-rear.  This notion invites negative time into the picture again.

So, if we pass a current through the filament of a bulb, light rays from infinity around the filament approach the filament; when the current is switched off, these rays stops coming from infinity but the last of these rays approach the filament still, it is in this way the light from the bulb fades.


Stationary photons materialize and is visible on the surface of the filament.

It is also because of this that the time dimension in which a particle exists is made explicit.  Otherwise, all dimensions being equal, we have sixty particles, irrespective of our senses and capabilities to detect and manipulate with any one of them.

Our nature is along the positive time direction.  This is the root of such absurdity.