Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Single Great Step

It is also possible to teleport with a single portal,

The body slows and eventually stops travel as the field decreases with distance from the portal to zero.

The body steps into the portal, and steps out after a great distance in a single step.

Banging Electron And Proton

And the collision of a electron and a proton,

results in both a heat wave and a gravity wave with less magnitude compared to pair collisions of the same type.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Banging Electrons

Banging charges perpendicularly (charges oscillate in a 2D plane),


Since, we postulated previously that banging electrons perpendicularly creates gravitational waves; the former diagram depicts the banging of electrons and the latter, the collisions of positive charges.

Gravity Wave

It would be consistent that banging of positive charges creates heat wave.

Heat Wave

And so wave-particle duality turns out to be a convenient.  We can call wave a particle and a particle, wave.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Plenty Of Problems...

But ask the right question.

For example, when time unfolds and space curls into a helix, time curls back from in front, if at all time the direction of the space dimension and the direction of the time dimension are consistent relative to each other and that we have no discontinuity and sudden reversal of direction, we have instead the left hand screw rule, time wraps around the positive direction of space in anti-clockwise manner from a-rear.  This notion invites negative time into the picture again.

So, if we pass a current through the filament of a bulb, light rays from infinity around the filament approach the filament; when the current is switched off, these rays stops coming from infinity but the last of these rays approach the filament still, it is in this way the light from the bulb fades.


Stationary photons materialize and is visible on the surface of the filament.

It is also because of this that the time dimension in which a particle exists is made explicit.  Otherwise, all dimensions being equal, we have sixty particles, irrespective of our senses and capabilities to detect and manipulate with any one of them.

Our nature is along the positive time direction.  This is the root of such absurdity.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

60 Particles, 10 Shadow Dimensions

And there are,




particles.  Each of the six orthogonal dimensions has ten particles traveling along it at speed, \(v=c\).  If every of these particles can be used to affect/access that dimension, then it would seem that each dimension has ten "shadow dimensions".

All such particles are however, equivalent along those dimensions.  In the post "Lingpoche, 凌波车 II", the three waves were so chosen as the particles have zero space velocity, \(v=0\); none of the three space dimensions are part of their triplet, (\(t_g\), \(t_c\), \(t_T\)).

This is assuming that the three space dimensions are distinguishable.

In the case where the space dimensions are indistinguishable, there are,

\(1*3+({3\choose1}*2*2)+{3\choose2}*1*3+1*3=27\)    particles.

 In the first part, we construct a wave of three orthogonal space dimensions each existing in 3 time dimensions.

In the second part, we construct a wave of one time dimension and two space dimensions, for which there is three.  Each of these three waves can exist in either of the two remaining time dimensions.  We further differentiate those dimensions in the triplet that define the wave in oscillation and that for which it is at speed \(c\).

The third term is for a wave with one space dimension and two time dimensions.  This wave exists in the remaining time dimension. And we differentiate the wave that oscillate between two time dimensions and has space speed \(c\) from the those oscillating  between one time dimension and one space dimension. Together, for a given triplet, there can be three type of waves, because the component for which its speed is \(c\) is all different as the wave is rotated.

The last term is for waves of three time dimensions, from which we differentiate those time dimensions in oscillations and that along which the wave has speed \(c\).  These waves have zero speed in space.

In this case, there are three distinguishable time dimensions and one space dimension of three aspects (or three space dimensions but indistinguishable).  We are incapable of distinguishing the three space dimensions, just as the three time dimensions are not measured independently.  But we do have charged particles that we attribute their charge property to their existence along the \(t_c\) time axis; mass that exist along the \(t_g\) time dimension and heat that exist along the \(t_T\) time dimension.

Otherwise mere science fiction.

Friday, January 2, 2015



Portal vs Time Machine

In the case of a portal, two points, where one is passive (destination) and one active (origin), are connected by a \(F_\psi\) or \(E_\psi\) field, unchanging.

In the case of time travel, one single point is subjected to an abruptly changing \(F_\psi\) or \(E_\psi\) field.

Why did the Philadelphia Experiment both teleported and time travelled?

The associated fields changed abruptly when they switch off power after having traveled some distance and while traveling, two of them jumped off the ship. A sudden decrease in field ( \(F_\psi\) or \(E_\psi\)) pushed the two of them into the future.

Have a nice day.

Lingpoche, 凌波车 II

Given the understanding that \(t\) is in helical motion in the time dimension, \(t\), from the post "What We Do Know", we have three particles, each a wave in the respective time dimension, \(t_c\), \(t_T\) and \(t_g\).

where \(x=x_g=x_c=x_T\), all space dimensions are taken to be equivalent and the velocity of the particles along their respective dimensions is \(c\), not necessarily light speed.

We see that \(a_\psi\) is then the radius of the circular path perpendicular to the time axis,


as such \(r\) is increased by increasing, \(a_\psi\).  In the case of a sonic cone at 7.489 Hz, from the post "All Of Max", the equivalent of the third Maxwell's Equations,

\(\oint_{2\pi a_\psi} { E_{ \psi  } } \, d\, \lambda =-\cfrac{1}{c^2} \cfrac{d}{d\,t}\left\{\oint  _{\pi a^2_{\psi}}{ F_{ \psi  } } dA_{ l }\right\}=-\cfrac{1}{c^2} \cfrac{d\,\Psi}{d\,t}\) --- (1)

where a change in flux through an area \(A_l\) induces \(E_\psi\) around a loop \(2\pi a_\psi\).  When \(F_\psi\) is increased at a constant rate, both \(E_\psi\) and \(a_\psi\) are decrease until the equation is satisfied.  Similarly, when \(F_\psi\) is decreased at a constant rate, both \(E_\psi\) and \(a_\psi\) are increase until the equation is satisfied.  \(F_\psi\) is set to resonate with Earth gravitational field of 7.489 Hz.

From the post "Cold Jump",

\(\Delta_t=\cfrac{\partial\,t_{gf}}{\partial\,t}-\cfrac{\partial\,t_{gi}}{\partial\,t}=\cfrac{1}{mc^2}(\cfrac{\partial\,t_{gi}}{\partial\,t}E_{\Delta h}+t_{gi}\cfrac{\partial\,E_{\Delta h}}{\partial\,t})\)

changing \(E_{\Delta h}\) results in a time differential \(\Delta_t\).  \(E_{\Delta h}\) is the result of a change in \(a_\psi\) as a rate of change in \(\Psi\) is applied.  The negative sign in expression (1), suggests an opposing change to the driving force \(\Psi\).  

As \(\Psi\) is increased,


\(\Delta_t\lt0\) and we are back in time.

As \(\Psi\) is decreased,


\(\Delta_t\gt0\) and we move forward in time.

To go forward in time, \(\Psi\) is set to resonate to a high value slowly and then dropped suddenly. To return,  \(\Psi\) is set to resonate to a high value instantly; multiple hops might be necessary to travel to the past.

Don't panic.  Just consistent science fiction.  

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

From the post "All Of Max", we have two expressions,

\(\oint _{ 2\pi a_{ \psi  } }{ E_{ \psi  } } \, d\, \lambda =-\cfrac { 1 }{ c^{ 2 } } \cfrac { d }{ d\, t } \left\{ \oint _{ \pi a^{ 2 }_{ \psi  } }{ F_{ \psi  } } dA_{ l } \right\}\)


\(\varepsilon _{ o }\oint _{ 2\pi a_{ \psi  } }{ E_{ \psi  } } d\, \lambda =\oint _{ \pi a^{ 2 }_{ \psi  } }{ \rho  } \, d\, A_{ l }\)

We have,

\(\varepsilon _{ o }\oint _{ 2\pi a_{ \psi  } }{ E_{ \psi  } } d\, \lambda =\oint _{ \pi a^{ 2 }_{ \psi  } }{ \rho  } \, d\, A_{ l }=-\cfrac { 1 }{\mu_o } \cfrac { d }{ d\, t } \left\{ \oint _{ \pi a^{ 2 }_{ \psi  } }{ F_{ \psi  } } dA_{ l } \right\}\)

An \(E_\psi\) in a circle confines a sheet of particles of density \(\rho\) in the area of the circle, through which we have a time varying flux, \(\Psi\),

 \(\cfrac { \partial\,\Psi }{ \partial\, t }=\cfrac { \partial }{ \partial\, t } \left\{ \oint _{ \pi a^{ 2 }_{ \psi  } }{ F_{ \psi  } } dA_{ l } \right\}\)

In the last expression, either \(F_\psi\) is time varying or the area \(A_l\) is made to vary in time.  In the latter case,

\(\cfrac { \partial\,A_l }{ \partial\, t }=2\pi a_\psi\cfrac { \partial\,a_\psi }{ \partial\, t }\)

In which case, we can have a thin surface like a drum surface vibrating in and out of the confine of the circle.  The points over the surface are not in phase.  The normal at each surface point is swinging such that \(\hat{F_\psi}\cdot n_{A_l}=cos\left(\theta(t)\right)\) is time varying.

Such time varying effects will be seen as ripples across the surface.  \(F_\psi\) can be kept constant.

Just like Stargate.