Monday, August 26, 2024

Water View Port And Time

 Maybe a water view port is needed to realize the time images and capture them on video,

What about sound and other sensory perceptions?

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Two Coils Time Travel

 It is probably best to have a coil to cancel Earth's time flux,

and another to tune into the past or future.  This second coil is best at a region within the first coil where the flux is stable at zero or a fixed offset.  This second coil is solely for adjusting to time.

One would enter into coils then turn on the bigger Earth's coil and adjust the Time coil to travel mentally through time. 

Good luck.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

A few Degrees Into The Past

 According to accounts of Kozyrev Experiments , they were picking up Sumerian symbols in the past.  The cannot be more then \(5 \sim 6\,\,^oC\) different between the ambient air and the ground.

If this range of temperature brings back the past from 6123 to 3773 years, then one degrees Celsius difference between the hot and cold points will bring back the past from roughly a thousand years ago.

Very fine temperature tunning will be needed to land precisely at a particular point in the past.

Since the background time flux is already downwards (Earth being one big time particle), the recent past may just be accessible only when the hot and cold points are reversed; when the time flux produced counters the background time flux.

All in all, not a difficult engineering feat to be tested immediately.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Kidney Troubles And Blur Vision

 Even though maybe without kidney trouble listen to this still,

Pyelitis proteus 434 594 776 Hz


proteus 434 834 Hz

proteus 424 834 Hz

Bubbly urine that's the concern.  Seek professional help.

Good rainy day.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Guppies' Shakes, Twists And Flukes

 When guppies shake and swim spiral downward, it could be flukes that invade the brain and spinal cord,

Parasites Brain and Spinal Flukes, Nerve 434 Hz

Parasites Brain and Spinal Flukes, Nerve 421 Hz     (more effective)

and in general,

Flukes 143 275 435 524 676 763 854 945 Hz

Fluke 6578 sq 1400 Hz

And the need to suck on my upper teeth is gone.  What? Flukes in the eyes and nasal cavities?

Good Grief.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Looking For Anther Door To Time

 This is how time opens up when subjected to vibrating photons,

space breaks into orthogonal magnetic and gravity fields.  But, is this true,


gravity \(\times\) magnetic \(=\) time

magnetic\(_{\bot}\) \(\times\) gravity\(_{\bot}\) \(=\) space

because the components that constitute the cross products are orthogonal,

space \(\cdot\) time = \(0\) 

space and time are orthogonal.  Just being consistent.

More importantly, reversing the magnetic field or gravity causes time and space to align.  Travelling through the time portal is to travel through space and time.  There is a time lag between entering to exiting the portal.  

How to reverse such fields in spacetime?  By providing photons of gravity or magnetic nature.  If 524/528 Hz work on gravity then there is anther set of frequencies that work on the magnetic field.  Or vice versa.

Binswanger's Disease And Sonic Nootropics

 Old age that decreases the executive function of the brain where the first symptoms are usually mental deterioration or stroke.   Binswanger's disease can occur at any age, if the symptoms include uncontrollable bladder and language disorder.  The result of brain damage from knocks and falls or beatings, electrocutions; this disease being a form of small-vessel vascular dementia caused by damage to the white brain matter.

Binswanger Disease 60 260 650 5710 7000 (sq 4250 9250 4785 5270 6670) Hz

Your need to pee at night may just be a sign of more serious mental problem than 'bating' too much.

Good 'Hairy Palm' Grief.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Apraxia And 趟平

 Apraxia is the inability to perform.  The person is simply blocked, from simple task such as dressing up or complex tasks such as to take care of the family, seeking employment, etc.  Other terms including procrastinate, lazy, bo chaap seem related.

Apraxias 600 1000 5000 (sq 2478-8 3658 4543-7 5151-6 6894-1 7120 9978-7) Hz

Sleep on this, a pop of B complex in the morning and take things one step at a time.

Good luck.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Ball Of Lightning

 Remember electric discharge of water at \(80^oC\),

maybe ball of lightning also around that temperature of \(80^oC\).  Try \(86^oC\).

Time Travel In Free Falling Portal

 This was rumored, is this how it worked?;

where a free falling portal in a single shaft transports one back in time.

Good night.

Free Falling Portal

 What happens when a portal is set to free fall,

Where is the exit/end portal?

Square Portal And Cube Portal

 The possibility of a square portal enables a closed volume to be created,

What happen if time is boxed up as such?

Good Grief.

Other Ways To Affect A Portal

 Since gravity and acceleration are equivalent,

What will happen to this portal?

Swing it?  This is very dangerous; to roll time into a doughnut.

Reminds one of people jumping into rail road tracks and disappearing; and disappearances around merry-go-round on youtube.

Good night.