Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Endometriosis And Blur Vision

 This set of frequencies works better that frequencies marked for Echo Virus,

endometriosis 250 730 7500 (sq 1285 3551 6258 1253-5 6729-1 9243-7) Hz

May the gum sucking and salivation stop.

Good night.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Meningitis And Blur Vision

 More common than previously thought,  it may not cause headaches nor fever but can reduce mental capacity,

meningitis Bacterial 120 230 930 2500 (sq 3000 1556-8 2621 3156-1 5975 6543-7) Hz

meningitis Viral 120 250 930 2750 (sq 3000 1556-8 2621 3156-1 5275 7253-7) Hz

and combined,

meningitis combined

If you see your hand writing deteriorating, it can be meningitis...see a doctor.

Good luck.


Enterovirus Infection Non Polio And Blur Vision

 Also known as Echovirus,

Endometriosis chronic 246 800 1550 Hz


Echo Virus (Endometriosis Tuberylosa) 461 514 620 722 788 922 Hz

ECHO stands for Enteric Cytopathic Human Orphan, these virus were discovered when investigating Polioviruses.

A lot of phlegm in the gums and eyes...

Good luck.