If you have been the unfortunate victim of brain washing, the current passing through your forehead causes calcium deposits in your brain, inside your eye sockets and mouth, where it is moist and full of calcium ions.
Idiopathic Scrotal Calcinosis 120 260 700 2500 (sq 3100 7275 1225 2828-1 3577-7 4261-6) Hz
'Idiopathic' mean don't know why; 'scrotal' may not apply to you, but when it does apply fully, you're just nuts; calcinosis is calcium deposits. Calcium blocking blood vessels and neuron pathways maybe the effectual mechanism behind brain washing.
This set of frequencies may improve vision if it removes the calcium deposits in the eye orbits.
Good luck. Flashback anyone.
Rife frequencies breaks chemical bonds,
Mitochondrial Diseases 160 350 930 2500 (sq 2156-1 3556-8 4193-4 6511 7230-3 8684-3) Hz
Burkholderia Infections 92-50_324-37_225 Hz
This set of frequencies for Borkholderia causes warmth around the upper abdomen and the lower back if you have ingested the bacteria.
Updated burkholderia infections frequencies with square waves and breaking disulfide bonds frequencies,
Burkholderia Infections 70 120 750 930 (sq 1233 2250 5750 9250 3243-7) Hz
Burkholderia Infections 70 120 750 930 (sq 1233 1779.79 2250 5750 9250 3243-7) Hz
this last set of frequencies is good.
Good luck.
These two are rare frequencies not commonly listed,
Porphyromonas gingivalis 867 Hz
and combined with breaking disulfide bonds square wave frequency 1779.79 Hz,
enterococcus faecalis porphyromonass gingivalis 834 867 sq 1779-79 Hz
Enterococcus Faecalis causes root canal infections and Porphyromonas Gingivalis causes oral infections.
In the eye sockets, they bring blur vision. Playing 867 Hz and 834 Hz together creates a beat at 33 Hz. 33 Hz, stimulate the pineal gland. Do not listen to the combined frequencies if you are sensitive to this beat.
Good night.
This should have been the first set of frequencies to try,
Chorioretinitis 130 570 870 (sq 1089 9519 3000 4364-2 5631-9 7072-6 9788-5) Hz
for infection behind the retina. And so,
Cholera Infantum And Chorioretinitis
combined frequency set for Cholera Infantum and Chorioretinitis.
Good luck,
I remember posting these frequencies, anyway here they are again,
cholera 130 350 950 (sq 1592-2 2430-5 4511-7 5151-9 6882-9 7122-3 9934-1) Hz
Cholera Infantum 520 700 900 2500 5250 (sq 1547 1425 2925 8210-6) Hz
Cholera Infantum is not true Cholera but has similar symptoms. Both diseases, in the eye, blur vision.
Good night.
Here two updates,
Coronaviridae Infections and SS 80 350 5750 (sq 1293 6347 1779-79 4352-9 5625 7935 9957-5) Hz
Coronaviridae Infections 80 350 5750 (sq 1293 6347 1825 4352-9 5625 7935 9957-5) Hz
the first one with an added breaking disulfide bonds square wave frequency.
Good day.
Also known as Schistosomiasis, Bilharziasis affecting the eye causes blur vision,
Bilharziasis 130 230 730 850 5250 (sq 1372-5 5457-5 6875 8952-7 9762-9) Hz
these worms, Schistosoma infect the skin and move to the blood; on surface that is moist they remain there. The eye sockets are moist and cozy. A common occurrence is when rain water run-off contaminates swimming pools, especially when the pools are surrounded by hills and grass patches.
Good day.
Leprosy and blur vision,
leprosy 170 240 790 3500 5820 (sq 4800 9750 1230-1 4684-3 5922-6) Hz
and with breaking disulfide bonds frequencies added to the mix,
leprosy SS 170 240 790 3500 5820 (sq 4800 9750 1230-1 4684-3 5922-6 1779-79) Hz
it might take a while but it is worth the noise, if you have leprosy.
Good luck.
If you got a strange itch from using cheap lubricant and moisturizer,
fifth disease parvovirus B19 70 240 650 900 2500 (sq 2750 1553-6 2157 3755-4 5225-3) Hz
Roseola Infantum 70 500 950 7500 (sq 1053 1325 2425 3920-1 6292-6 9154-8) Hz
both affect vision in the eye.
Good luck.
It effect me and my vision,
little disease 60 320 (sq 2000 8575 1500 2250 2227 4545 5151-7 6876-2) Hz
stay well and good luck.
Genetic diseases can develop from low level radiation exposure; does not kill you immediately but changes you deep inside, your DNA,
Marfan Syndrome 150 230 650 930 (sq 3629 2110-9 4756-8 5270 6653-4 7490) Hz
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome 150 180 930 2750 (sq 1253-4 2462 4050 7315 8265 9213-4) Hz
Both these diseases affect vision. Good luck.
Fibromuscular Dysplasia 520 750 2750 5250 4750(sq) Hz
Fibromuscular Dysplasia is a condition related to the two genetic disorders above. In the eye, the blood vessels look like budding plum blossom.
Good night.
This is a real gem,
Poliodystrophia Cerebri 250 780 930 7500 (sq 1089 9590 3225-3 4157 5629-1 7420-6) Hz
and with breaking disulfide bonds frequencies added,
Poliodystrophia Cerebri And Breaking SS bonds
Poliodystrophia Cerebri could be the reason for poor eyesight since childhood.
Good luck.