Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Projecting Portals

 This works,

maybe this will scale up nicely,

the \(7.498 Hz\) coil will need to be held down.

Have a nice day.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Space Tourism And Portals

 This portal must be opened in space and then dropped onto the surface of Earth, in geosynchronous orbit, the opening will be more or less fixed at a particular location.

Unless, there is a way to project the opening upwards into space aimed at GSO station; maybe one of these,

without building big pyramids.  Which reminds the question, why one end of the portal is always in water?  That water will seal the opening naturally and immediately upon exit or entrance?

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Other Than Being Bubbly, Magic Stone

 If the 'magic stone' moves the body in contact with it, forward slightly in time (because red is of lower frequency than violet, and so of lower lower energy and energy flows from high to low level), out of our 'present' perception and so renders it invisible.   What does a camera capture when it is in contact with such a stone?

Meridians?  Goodnight zzzz.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Hot Future And Dim Skies

 There is another reason why the weather is very hot in the future; an excess of oxygen in the atmosphere.  If \(CO_2\) is broken down into carbon and oxygen, and the oxygen released into the surroundings.  These oxygen combine with hydrogen during daylight and burns into \(H_2O\), water.  The exothermic reaction provides warm and daylight.  Too much oxygen on the surface of Earth results in too much heat and brightness.  Inner Earth, however, dims as more hydrogen are used on the surface with less penetrating into Earth's crust.

 In some enclosed environment, hydrogen is released in the night in the background of some tones, to combine with oxygen and so lowers the amount of oxygen during the night.  It rains regularly at night.  In this way, the level of oxygen in the day starts at a low value, and the day during its peak is less bright and hot.

If carbon capture is the cause of this heat,  it might not be wise to just release the oxygen produced during the carbon capture process into the atmosphere.  Store the oxygen also.

Oxygen combines with hydrogen from the Sun to give water, rains...  This could also be the reason why there is so much rainfall.  The carbon capture process has released excess of oxygen into the atmosphere.

Changing the future... again.